El Mansouri explains the delay in the reconstruction of buildings impacted by the earthquake

El Mansouri explains the delay in the reconstruction of buildings impacted by the earthquake
El Mansouri explains the delay in the reconstruction of buildings impacted by the earthquake
During the weekly session devoted to oral questions in the House of Representatives, held this Monday, the Minister of National Land Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy responded to criticism concerning the living conditions of those affected by the Al Haouz earthquake.

She clarified that residents of the affected regions can rent houses while waiting for the reconstruction of their homes or stay in tents temporarily. “We cannot say today that people are living in tents as if the ministers were not aware of the situation or had not been there at the time of the earthquake,” she reacted.

The minister recalled that a monthly allowance of 2,500 dirhams was granted to each family affected by the earthquake. “Every family has the right to rent a house, and there are some to rent. I can attest to this since I am from the region myself,” she added. On the other hand, the minister stressed that for those who choose to stay there. “We are trying to facilitate the living conditions of citizens during this difficult period,” she assured.

Fatima Ezzahra El Mansouri specified that monthly meetings are held under the presidency of the Head of Government to coordinate reconstruction efforts, with active participation from the Ministry of Equipment.

However, the minister admitted that the main current challenge is the lack of human resources to accelerate reconstruction, which sometimes leads to delays in construction sites. “We received 53,000 requests, of which 51,000 were authorized,” she said.



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