26th anniversary of the disappearance of the late HM King Hassan II. HM King Mohammed VI, Amir Al-Mouminine, presides over a religious vigil

Chaired by HM King Mohammed VI, Amir Al-Mouminine, the religious vigil took place on Sunday October 13 at the Mohammed V Mausoleum in Rabat in commemoration of the 26e anniversary of the death of the late HM King Hassan II, was marked by the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and the declamation of panegyrics of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed.

On this occasion, the Sovereign, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and HRH Prince Moulay Ahmed, visited the tomb of the late HM King Hassan II.

At the end of this religious vigil, prayers were raised for the repose of the souls of the late HM Hassan II and the late HM Mohammed V, and to implore the Most High to have the late Sovereigns in His holy mercy .

Prayers were also said to preserve and assist His Majesty King Mohammed VI and crown with success His various actions and initiatives in the service of His faithful people. The audience also implored the Most High to fulfill the Sovereign in the persons of HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and all the members of the Illustrious Royal Family.

This vigil was attended by the Head of Government, the Presidents of the two Chambers of Parliament, the Advisors of HM the King, members of the government, the presidents of constitutional bodies, senior officers of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Royals, representatives of the Islamic diplomatic corps accredited in Rabat and several other civil and military personalities.



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