Here are the worst supermarket bread baguettes according to 60 Million consumers

Here are the worst supermarket bread baguettes according to 60 Million consumers
Here are the worst supermarket bread baguettes according to 60 Million consumers

The baguette, French culinary symbol par excellence, finds itself at the heart of an unexpected controversy. In a recent study, the magazine 60 million consumers examined the baguettes sold in supermarkets, revealing alarming disparities. This analysis, published a few months ago, deserves our attention as it disrupts our daily purchasing habits.

Bread, the contested star of our tables

The baguette occupies a central place in the French diet. Despite galloping inflation, it remains an essential part of our meals. However, the quest for savings pushes many consumers towards the bakery sections of supermarkets. This trend is not without consequences for the quality of our food.

60 million consumersreference magazine in mattermatter for the defense of consumer rights, has decided to lift the veil on these mass-market baguettes. The study looked at several essential criteria:

The results of this careful analysis are enough to surprise and worry bread lovers.

Baguette awards: supermarket surprises

The ranking established by 60 million consumers has its share of surprises. Some well-known brands find themselves at the back of the pack, while others are doing remarkably well. Here is an overview of the main results:


Score out of 20





Leader Price






This ranking reveals considerable differences between the best and worst baguettes. Casino and Intermarché stand out with honorable ratings, offering products of acceptable quality. Conversely, Carrefour and Auchan disappoint with baguettes judged to be well below expected standards.

Deciphering a rigorous evaluation

The expertise of 60 million consumers is not new. Since its creation in the 1970s, this magazine has established itself as a key player in consumer defense. His methodical and impartial approach gives him undeniable credibility.

For this study on supermarket baguettes, the experts adopted a holistic approach, taking into account:

  1. organoleptic qualities (taste, texture);
  2. nutritional value;
  3. food safety (presence of contaminants);
  4. value for money.

This comprehensive evaluation allows consumers to make informed choices, beyond the simple criterion of price. She puts in lightlight the importance of remaining vigilant, even with products as basic as bread.

Towards more enlightened consumption

Faced with these revelations, consumers are invited to rethink their purchasing habits. Pricing quality over price can be beneficial in the long term for health and pleasure tastetaste. Well-rated brands like Casino and Intermarché prove that it is possible to find quality baguettes in supermarkets.

On the other hand, this study also highlights the importance of supporting artisanal bakers, guarantors of traditional know-how. The diversity of options allows everyone to find the right balance between practicality, quality and budget.

Ultimately, this classification of supermarket baguettes by 60 million consumers reminds us that vigilance is required, even for the most everyday purchases. It encourages more thoughtful and responsible consumption, where quality takes precedence over ease.



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