the procedure abandoned in the Assembly after a vote by the presidents

the procedure abandoned in the Assembly after a vote by the presidents
the procedure abandoned in the Assembly after a vote by the presidents
MICHEL EULER / AFP The impeachment procedure for Emmanuel Macron ends this Tuesday, October 8.


The impeachment procedure for Emmanuel Macron ends this Tuesday, October 8.

POLITICS – End of the journey and abandonment of the process. A week after the Law Commission of the National Assembly largely rejected the impeachment proposal targeting Emmanuel Macron, the conference of presidents of the institution decided this Tuesday, October 8 to put an end to its examination.

While the text proposed by Insoumise (and some allied parliamentarians) could have continued its journey in the hemicycle, it will ultimately not be debated. Parliamentary sources confirmed to HuffPost the information revealed a few minutes earlier by RTL and LCP. In addition, it was the abstention of Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly, which allowed this outcome, which suits the presidential camp well.

Le Pen accused of “saving Macron”

Unsurprisingly, her colleague Mathilde Panot, who chairs the LFI group, therefore accused her of having “ saved Emmanuel Macron from impeachment “. It must be said that the blow is severe for the radical left formation. Because even if the procedure had no chance of succeeding, it was designed by rebellious France as a means of putting the possible resignation of the Head of State into the debate, and thus of bringing this idea to life while the political situation remains unstable.

However, without debate in the hemicycle, the question should quickly evaporate, which also removes LFI from the center of the parliamentary game. Within the NFP, others see this outcome as a form of contempt for Parliament. “ This impeachment motion made no sense, but the way the Macronists have been twisting the institutions for two years to avoid debate is truly unbearable », Regrets a socialite parliamentary source.

On the other hand, this twist of theater offers an angle of attack to the entire left with regard to the National Rally. Already described as the “ crutch » of the Barnier government (which the Lepéniste party does not want to censor), the far-right party takes the risk of fueling criticism denouncing its benevolence granted to the executive. Not ideal for a party which still claims to be in opposition and whose leader, Marine Le Pen, spoke until last June of… “ resignation » by Emmanuel Macron.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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