Separate NLP? Clues point to the worst

It’s starting to get long as fans wait for news of NOS or Ademo. Unfortunately, as soon as there are rumors or hope of a return of PNLhe is very quickly countered by bad news. And recently, serious clues have revived the fear of a definitive separation of the legendary duo.

First of all, Ademo, who collaborated with Rim’Kmade his pilgrimage to the Meccaa strong moment marked by words suggesting a end of career.

The group would be separated… since 2023!

For his part, NOS seems to have distanced himself. Besides the song “Gaza” released in December 2023, a title to which NOS is absentno news from him has been shared. Worse still, a well-known Youtuber, nicknamed “Yannis”recently claimed in a video that the two brothers would have separated since 2023. An announcement that had the effect of a bomb in the musical sphere.

In his investigation, Yannis noted several disturbing points:

With all this evidence, everything suggests that NLP and music, it’s well and truly over. The two brothers, already very discreet in the past, have little chance of responding to these allegations. If this turns out to be true, it is a page that turns in the history of French rap.

Despite everything, their music will remain “in legendand for that, we can only say to them: thank you PNL.



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