Marie-Maud (Star Ac) unveils “Tombée sur toi”, the fans are in heaven

Photo credits: TF1 screenshot

Of course, the public only has eyes for Pierre, Axel, Julien or Helena. But the other students of the “Star Academy” 2023 are also continuing their careers. This is the case for Marie-Maud. If she did not have much time to prove herself since she was eliminated during the third prime, the singer from Aix-en-Provence had confided her disappointment of not being alongside her comrades on the “Star Academy” tour which is selling out throughout France. I left the third week, so I was already psychologically prepared not to do the tour. (…) It’s like when you’re at school, there’s a class you get along too well with and they go on a field trip without you. It’s a bit like that thing that I have » she revealed, admitting to having had “ a pang in the heart » seeing the first images of the concert: “ It was like, “Wow, I feel like we never existed and we never participated in the construction of the story of this season.” Well, a little bit, but not enough for the tour. ».

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“I’m no longer afraid of falling”

However, her call was heard as Marie-Maud joined her comrades on stage at the Zénith in Paris last May. At the same time, the singer is ringing in the summer with the release of her new single, “Tombée sur toi”. I was so excited and at the same time so scared at the idea of ​​releasing something. So it took me a little while, but I’m definitely back » she confides, eight months later “If I’m in pain”. On this sunny ballad with Afropop rhythm, designed for summer, Marie-Maud tells the story of a relationship that ends: “ I’m not afraid of falling anymore, I fell on you / I know that time is running out, I can only count on myself “. And even if his other half has ” ruined everything », the singer admits not to blame him!

TO READ – Star Academy: students, directors… Everything about the new season!

Through this single, Marie-Maud now hopes to fly on her own: “ I heard a lot “release your music, now is when you are in the spotlight, now is when it happens” and I felt bad for not doing anything, for not sharing more with you. But I also believe that it is me who decides to be in the spotlight or not and I did not feel ready. I felt guilty for not being in the spotlight and for feeling this fear (…) I learned to let go and maybe to be less demanding “. And the result is successful! On social networks, many fans are validating this new single: ” The sound is incredible and I weigh my words », « Honey in our ears », « I love the sound, definitely a summer hit », « But Marie-Maud actually it’s just incredible don’t even worry I’ll listen to it 24/7 ». « Yes finally », « Oh wooow ! », « Get it » react for their part his friends from Star Ac Margot, Axel and Clara on Instagram.



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