his advice for young artists

his advice for young artists
his advice for young artists

The old guy knows what he’s talking about.

Careers in rap are getting shorter and shorter over the years. Between those who clearly show that they are only there for the sorrel, those who no longer have any ideas after the third album, and others which take 120 years to finish their albums or their pieces, we sometimes witness fairly early ends to their careers. While we thought he was rather interested in clashes, Booba has just given advice to the young rap generation if they want to last a little in the game. Valuable advice, since it comes from the only French rapper who has been rapping for almost 30 years.

For once, no insult in Booba’s advice tweet, but a real message to the new generation: “Young artists never forget that the key to success is to work and deliver. Don’t end up working as influencers and stay in competition with the rest of the world but especially with yourself. So many careers ruined by lack of work and because of networks”. Indeed, we have had several examples of all this in recent years in French rap.

We generally agree with this advice, particularly regarding work and regularity. Booba alsolong time alternating with one project per year: once, an album, the following year, an “Autopsie” mixtape, which worked well for him. The “competition with yourself” side is obviously essential if you want to last. On the other hand, for the influencer side, it’s more difficult to get through, since it’s clearly the Duke’s main activity for 10 years… But it’s true that he at least had already built his career before launching into the networks. And you, what do you think of the Duke’s advice?



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