Chantal Goya reveals her (very) small retirement: “I will work until I am 110”

Chantal Goya reveals her (very) small retirement: “I will work until I am 110”
Chantal Goya reveals her (very) small retirement: “I will work until I am 110”

Chantal Goya revealed the amount of her retirement, on the set of Jordan De Luxe. The singer, who must continue to work to get by, also has the impression of becoming invisible in the entertainment industry…

At 82, Chantal Goya continues to perform shows for young and old, and she doesn’t plan to stop there! It must be said that the singer would have difficulty making ends meet if she had to settle for retirement. On the set of At Jordan’sthe artist confided in her finances…

Chantal Goya reveals her little retirement: “It’s better than nothing”

In front of Jordan De Luxe, this June 26, Chantal Goya revealed the amount of her retirement: “600 euros retirement is already not bad. It’s better than nothing. We didn’t have a pay slip or a company before, we were associated with production”, she explains. However, this does not bother the interpreter of A rabbit. “I know that I will work until I am 110, until the end. I will always work, I like to work. I will rest when I am up there. I have my energy. If tomorrow there is no has more shows, I’m opening a little shop with flowers, with carrots, turnips”.

What makes Jean-Jacques Debout’s wife suffer is the lack of recognition from the entertainment industry.There is the public on the one hand who adores me and who helps me and there is the profession which doesn’t really understand. Or maybe I’m invisible. They think Chantal Goya is just Bécassine and A Rabbit. But no, that’s not it, there are so many beautiful songs. There are all the big shows.”

Chantal Goya, “invisible”: the singer must “fight” for her career

Chantal Goya is also nostalgic for a time when everything was more fluid with the media environment: “Before, I knew how to meet the big boss of RTL, from Europe, the newspaper personalities who were very simple and very happy to be a partner of my shows. Today, we fight alone. With Damien, my producer, we fight. It’s not easy, but we fight to exist.”

Jean-Jacques Debout’s wife remains very bitter about certain professional relationships during his recent shows. “Things are no longer the same as before. We no longer have the same relationships with people. We did the Palais des Congrès, the General Management was perhaps on vacation, I don’t know, I didn’t have them seen. At the time, they would have been all around us, very happy to see us. I wonder if I’m not invisible. Do they realize that I exist? That rhymes with transparent. . But it doesn’t matter, I’m happy to be anonymous in the street, it’s my strength. she nuances.



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