JoeyStarr gives his strong opinion on his participation, “It’s…

JoeyStarr gives his strong opinion on his participation, “It’s…
JoeyStarr gives his strong opinion on his participation, “It’s…

Par Maureen M.

– Published on June 25, 2024 at 08:00

Known for his outspokenness, JoeyStarr recently gave his very blunt opinion on Aya Nakamura’s participation in the Olympics.

Photo credit: TF1

JoeyStarr, the French rapper and actor known for his outspokenness and his commitment without compromise, has never hesitated to express his strong opinions on various societal subjects. He likes to give his opinion without filter. Recently, the actor defended Gérard Depardieu, which sparked a lot of reactions on social networks. Younger accused of domestic violence, JoeyStarr thumbs his nose to his detractors by directing and performing in a play about violence against women. A contradictory character, JoeyStarr likes to debate frankly. In a recent interview with Pointhe did not deviate from this rule by approaching with his usual sincerity the question of freedom of expression and ordinary racism.

JoeyStarr: freedom of expression at the heart of his statements

From the outset, JoeyStarr recalled that he had long left political correctness aside. For him, freedom of expression is crucial, even if he recognizes the limits it imposes, especially as a father aware of the impact of his words on his children. “ I don’t know if a group called Fuck your mother (NTM) wouldn’t get their throats cut today. Yesterday we were being bothered on our words when we were a little less individualistic than currently, we had a reflection on what surrounded us, and we were being attacked in every direction” he explained. The actor regrets the freedom of expression which is diminishing more and more…

JoeyStarr defends Aya Nakamura: “What is this controversy? »

Regarding Aya Nakamura, recently at the heart of a controversy Regarding her potential participation in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games, JoeyStarr made her support for the singer clear. “When I drink Brassens again, I love the idea of keep his songs alive, to tell me that there are young people who will listen to my cover. But what is this controversy? A group of tenderfoots screaming scandal because a black woman is going to sing Piaf at the Olympics? That sucks”he declared with conviction.

JoeyStarr also criticized racist perception alleged by certain sections of French society who, according to him, value the sporting performances of people of African origin, but are reluctant to see them excel in other areas such as music. JoeyStarr is not the first artist to defend Aya Nakamura. Indeed, a few weeks ago, Benjamin Biolay also wanted to take the singer’s side.

The actor recalls the talent of Aya Nakamura

In addition, the famous actor wanted to recall an important point about Aya Nakamura: “Plus, Aya Nakamura is the French singer the most listened to on the internet. » Far from limiting himself to these subjects, JoeyStarr also addressed the question of the education of one’s children on issues of race and social justice. He regularly exposes them to the realities of the contemporary world, notably the conflicts in Palestine and the Congo, as well as the issues linked to equality between Whites and Blacks in France. “I talk to them a lot about what is happening in Palestine, in the Congo, in Nouméa. On the White-Black ratio, I explain to them that I created a privilege for myself, but it is fragile », he confided. There is no doubt that Aya Nakamura will like JoeyStarr’s speech. Even if, let us remember, the singer doesn’t need anyone to make your voice loud and clear.



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