UNUSUAL. “Françoise Hardy spoke about me in her song”, the Dunkirk carillonneur pays tribute to the deceased singer and Thomas Dutronc finds it “funny”

UNUSUAL. “Françoise Hardy spoke about me in her song”, the Dunkirk carillonneur pays tribute to the deceased singer and Thomas Dutronc finds it “funny”
UNUSUAL. “Françoise Hardy spoke about me in her song”, the Dunkirk carillonneur pays tribute to the deceased singer and Thomas Dutronc finds it “funny”

Thomas Dutronc regularly shares the tributes paid to his mother, Françoise Hardy, who died of cancer on June 11, 2024, at the age of 80. This Sunday, June 23, he published an unusual video, that of the Dunkirk carillon which played “All the boys and girls”, the singer’s emblematic title. A dedication that he described as “funny”.

This homage of the carillon to Dunkirk is quite funny“, writes Thomas Dutronc on Instagram, Sunday June 23, 2024, alongside a video showing said carillon playing All the boys and girls. Since the death of Françoise Hardy on June 11, dedications have multiplied in France and that of the northern port city did not fail to provoke a reaction from the artist’s son.

It’s very moving for me and my family to see all these tributes everywhere…“, the 51-year-old singer says, before specifying: “Mmy mother was a little tired of this song All the boys and girlswhich we talked to her about constantly, and we understand her!“, suggesting that Françoise Hardy might not have appreciated the wink.

It’s a nice touch from the carillonneur of the Belfry of Dunkirk who plays every Saturday on a voluntary basis..”, “I really like his first songs which are not at all outdated.”, “This song is part of the collective memory and it is very beautiful.”, many Internet users appreciate Thomas Dutronc’s post.

Some moderately appreciated the adjective “funny“, (“comically strange” for the dictionary The Robert) : Funny for those who don’t know the Northcorrige Chrissye. It’s not folklore. The carillon is one of the signs of a culture deeply rooted in the North. (…) I would say moving and original: it is in any case all the warmth of the North which is expressed.” And Sophie added: It’s a huge tribute. The belfry carillon is quite a symbol in the North. It’s beautiful. A great mark of respect.”

Precisely, showing respect for the ex-wife of Jacques Dutronc was the goal of the Dunkirk carillonneur, Alfred Lesecq. “I am 86 years old and my whole life will have been rocked by the titles of Françoise Hardy“, he smiled.

When he plays at Dunkirk on Saturday, the man has the habit of paying tribute to deceased personalities, like Johnny Hallyday in 2017. For Françoise Hardy, it seemed to her “all natural” to create the arrangements of several of his pieces. He thus chose Friendship (1963), My friend the Rose (1964) and of course All the boys and girlswhose carillon interpretation was shared by Thomas Dutronc.

I too, was one of all the boys who left, in love, without fear of tomorrow…

Alfred Lesecq

Dunkirk Carillonneur

The moment she sang ithe confides, I was a young man, and I think I can say that Françoise Hardy was talking about me in her song. [NDLR. Elle est sortie en 1962, Alfred avait donc 24 ans.] I too was one of all the boys who were either alone or left, in love, without fear of tomorrow…”

The musician who works in Dunkirk, but also Bergues and Hondschoote, is used to being picked up on the networks. “At the time of the Dunkirk carnival, I played several traditional festive pieces. Someone made a video of Funiculi Funicula and shared it on Facebook and it went viral!

duration of video: 00h02mn10s

Alfred Lesecq’s last lesson at the Saint-Vaast church in Hondschoote. Report from September 8, 2022, signed Emeline Cocq and Jean-Christophe Raczy.


Alfred Lesecq is organizing the carillon festival in Flanders in August 2024. “There are around fifty carillons in France, including twenty in the region and seven in West Flanders, it’s enormous. The festival is an opportunity to shine the spotlight on these sites.

He will also take the national carillon exam this Saturday, June 29 in Dunkirk. It is unlikely that the thirty or so students from all over France will try out pieces by Françoise Hardy… Let fans of the singer rest assured, sinceis June 11, his iconic pieces, All the boys and girls, How to say goodbye to you et The time of love appear in the top 5 trending listening titles on Spotify, from France to the United States via Sweden and Spain.



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