Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 950 of Wednesday June 19, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 950 of Wednesday June 19, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 950 of Wednesday June 19, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”… At the institute, Maya painfully dives into her past. For her part, Billie has difficulty digesting David’s choice. Lionel makes too many mistakes…

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Here it all begins broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you prefer not to know anything, move on.

Wednesday June 19 in Here it all begins…

Maya learns the truth about her parents’ accident

In the park, Vic and Malik repeat to Leonard what they heard the day before: Antoine forcing Quentin to tell Maya the whole truth once the exams are over. If Malik is in favor of warning the young girl now, Léonard nevertheless thinks that it is better to follow Myriel’s advice, lest she miss her year.

The trio then goes to the Workshop, where Jim and Maya train against Quentin. Both boys are under pressure for different reasons. Jim absolutely must obtain a good grade to be able to stay at the Institute, while Quentin must pass the Third Year test to have the chance to take the Master’s exam. Vic, Leonard and Malik notice that the flow seems to be going perfectly between Maya and her brother, who are going to the Commissary together. Malik is the only one who finds it suspicious.

At the Commissary, Maya tells Quentin about her failed attempt to remake their father’s famous zucchini nuggets. Quentin suggests that they do some more together after the exams. At ease, Maya takes the opportunity to question her brother about his memories of the accident that cost their parents their lives. Quentin says he only has bits and pieces. Faced with Maya’s insistence, he ends up turning violently and leaving.

In the locker room, Maya confides to Vic about Quentin’s reaction when she brought up the subject. This leads her to suspect that he is hiding something from her. Since then, Maya hasn’t stopped asking questions about the cause of the accident. Vic confirms that she is right to be suspicious of her brother and reveals to him what she heard the day before in Leroy’s office.

The girls return to their room at the boarding school. Maya contacts former educators from her home, as well as the ASE in hopes of obtaining details about the circumstances of the accident, while Vic encourages her to ask Quentin directly. Maya, however, ends up getting the answer to her questions.

Curled up in her bed, crying, Maya waits for Leonard to join them to reveal what she has learned: it was Quentin who caused the accident, and it was because of him that their parents died …

Billie has difficulty supporting Hippolyte

David and Billie meet at the marsh roommate to practice before their final exam. David asks his partner to be open-minded towards the coach he has chosen, who is none other than Hippolyte. The latter wants them to work on a carpaccio. Billie thinks this recipe is far too simple.

However, the two students set to work. Hippolyte notices that David doesn’t cut the meat the right way, while Billie doesn’t cut the Comté correctly, within a few millimeters. If David corrects his mistake, Billie stands up to Hippolyte by arguing that this recipe is too simple. The head waiter then emphasizes that they can never be rigorous on a complex recipe, if they cannot be rigorous on a simple recipe.

During the training, Hippolyte points out to Billie that she focuses too much on the appearance of her plate and that she lacks technique. He explains to her that sobriety can show elegance. Billie takes it personally and starts to get annoyed. David reframes them both, then encourages them to get back to work.

At the end of the day, David and Billie are exhausted. They realize that they continued to make mistakes even after six attempts. But Hippolyte assures them that they have the perfect level to pass their exams. In particular, he encourages Billie to seize the chance that his own wife, Madeleine, a great chef who has fallen into oblivion, never had. The young girl is touched by her story.

Lionel wants to propose to Kelly

In the park, Jasmine is already planning to go visit Kelly when she is in Brittany. She nevertheless admits that she is hesitant to leave, in relation to Lionel, who needs her as moral support to retry the Master’s competition, but also in relation to her mother, who will probably have difficulty supporting their distance. . Jasmine encourages Kelly to do what seems best to her, without wanting to please others.

Meanwhile, Lionel goes into the management office looking for Antoine. He comes across Laetitia and notices that she is next to her pumps. Believing that Laetitia fears Kelly’s departure for Brittany, Lionel sympathizes and makes a blunder.

Laetitia rushes to her daughter to beg her not to go to Brittany. Kelly instead suggests that he come with her to Dinard to work in the dining room in Salomé’s restaurant. She nevertheless specifies that she has not yet made a final decision, particularly in relation to Lionel. Laetitia confirms to her daughter that the young man seems tormented about this.

Understanding that Lionel has spoken to his mother about his probable departure, Kelly is furious. She shows up at the roommate, where her boyfriend is hanging out with Jude, to criticize him for never thinking about the consequences of his actions. She then packs her things to go spend the night at her mother’s house. Once Kelly leaves, Jude is surprised by Lionel’s serene appearance. The latter declares that he already has a solution to fix things: ask Kelly to marry him!



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