Mathieu Kassovitz “can’t get by” “I earn a lot of money but…”

Mathieu Kassovitz “can’t get by” “I earn a lot of money but…”
Mathieu Kassovitz “can’t get by” “I earn a lot of money but…”

He came out of his reserve to discuss the financial difficulties that he meets. Mathieu Kassovitz was the guest this Saturday June 22 on Darius Rochebin’s 10 p.m. show on LCI. Coming to defend the release of the musical comedy La Haine, the 56-year-old director spoke on two subjects that are close to his heart: the next legislative elections and the money problems he is currently encountering.

If Mathieu Kassovitz’s confidences are rare, this is not the first time that he has spoken about the lack of money. In September 2023, following his serious motorcycle accident which left him bedridden for several days, he confided in the Parisian regarding the end of the series “Bureau des Légendes”, 3 years earlier. “The hole to fill is
more financial than emotional
”, the actor and director said.

Mathieu Kassovitz: his money problems put on the table

On the continuous news channel, Mathieu Kassovitz admitted, bluntly, winning “a lot of money”. However, this would not prevent him from feeling inflation and the increase in the cost of living. According to him, “France is doing badly”. “Moi, I earn a lot of money, I can’t get out of it. I don’t know at all how people do it…”, confides the fifty-year-old.

The price of electricity, the price of gas, gasoline…
Everything is expensive
”, continues Mathieu Kassovitz. A complex financial situation which would not be a French privilege according to Vincent Cassel’s relative. Quite the contrary. “I don’t think it’s a French problem. I think it’s an international problem,” believes the artist.

crédit photo : shutterstock

Mathieu Kassovitz: his controversial appeal for the legislative elections in France

This financial concern also plays a major role in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. A trip to the polls that the actor commented on among our colleagues. Indeed, while France seems to be divided in two: on one side the members of the National Rally (RN), on the other, the supporters of the Popular Front (FP), the new alliance of left-wing parties, Mathieu Kassovitz has made remarks that quickly sparked debate and create controversy.

I have always been a little waiting for the arrival of the FN to see what the real reaction of the Frenchhe explained live, before regretting: “Are we really the true country of human rights or have we become something else? It’s also interesting because maybe we have become something else and we have to accept that tooi”. Mathieu Kassovitz added like bravado: “Maybe the FN has its place in France and maybe they will do a better job. This might be an experiment worth trying. We will never know who we are if we have not been through this stage”.

Mathieu Kassovitz: after his comments on the National Rally, the actor rants against Internet users

On social media, some Internet users have taken up this passage from Mathieu Kassovitz’s interview without revealing its entirety. Indeed, following his remarks, the father of
3 children
announced that on July 30 and 7, he would vote necessarily left in the legislative elections, while adding not “never (have) understood the people who vote for the National Front (formerly the National Rally)”.

photo credit: LCI

In order to clarify the situation, Mathieu Kassovitz took to his Instagram account and responded directly to his detractors: “For all the idiots, the imbeciles, the assholes who use the same propaganda tools as the fascists and accuse me of having declared to vote RN”, wrote the artist before advising “to watch the full 25 minutes on LCI” and D’go ” voter. A radical update.



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