Surprise, Sophie Davant replaced by Cyril Hanouna (Touche pas à mon poste)! Enora Malagré reacts

Surprise, Sophie Davant replaced by Cyril Hanouna (Touche pas à mon poste)! Enora Malagré reacts
Surprise, Sophie Davant replaced by Cyril Hanouna (Touche pas à mon poste)! Enora Malagré reacts

Cyril Hanouna will return to Europe 1 this Monday, June 17. But the sudden announcement of his arrival in place of Sophie Davant and her friends surprised those concerned. Starting with Enora Malagré “a little in shock”…

Screenshot Europe 1

He decided to play overtime. While the season of Do not touch My TV was coming to an end, Cyril Hanouna suggested that he would not go on vacation immediately. For two weeks, the star host of C8 will pilot a new daily show on Europe 1 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to comment on the legislative election campaign. “Cyril Hanouna brings back the news with his columnists, his guests and you, listeners!”, specifies the station on its website. A way for the host to decipher the early voting of June 30 and July 7, he who had dissolved his assembly of columnists in TPMP :

Sophie Davant and her team urgently notified

Decided urgently, this ephemeral meeting will replace Sophie Davant’s program, Sophie and friendsbroadcast since the end of August 2023. But the team of the ex-host ofDeal done seems to have been taken by surprise by this change, even though she had to be on the air for a few more weeks. If the band leader has not yet reacted, her columnist Enora Malagré did not fail to share her sadness on Instagram, Saturday June 15, 2024. “I just learned an hour ago that Cyril Hanouna is replacing us on Monday on Europe 1 who wants even more information… So we won’t be able to say goodbye to our listenerswho followed us on this wonderful and warm radio adventure this year”lamented the historic ex-acolyte…of “Baba”.

Enora Malagré “in shock” at this sudden announcement

Touched by X, Enora Malagré added: “We really all learned about it an hour ago! I think Sophie will still manage to say a word to you on Monday. I’ll talk to you more later… Now I’m a little in shock.”. After his departure from Do not touch My TV in 2017, the strong head distinguished himself in the theater before returning to the media, first in The health magazine on France 5, then in the new M6 talk show, The Big Week. Suffice to say that his relations with Cyril Hanouna will not warm up after this sudden announcement.



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