Pro D2 – Béziers has a new campus alongside its training center

Pro D2 – Béziers has a new campus alongside its training center
Pro D2 – Béziers has a new campus alongside its training center

As part of the “Aqui es Campus” project, the ASBH club association inaugurated its new premises at the Raoul-Barrière Stadium on Tuesday evening, thus providing, alongside its training center, sporting, educational and social infrastructure leading.

From the outset, the president of the ASBH association Éric Freitas laid the foundations for a structure that started from almost nothing to arrive today at these brand new facilities. “We arrived 10 years ago with Christophe Chollet”, current coach at the training center. “No employees, a bit of a drunken boat. I asked him to join me in a somewhat crazy project and since then a lot of things have been achieved.” The leader methodically evokes fluctuating but also lasting wanderings. The time comes for the figures, since the Béziers Campus was completed in less than 10 months over an area of ​​more than 2,000 m². An association which greatly financed the construction of this triple building (to the tune of 2 million euros), also supported by the region represented by Thierry Mathieu and the CAF, “of public utility with this Campus emerging from the ground” dixit Éric Freitas.

An investment for the future

Florian Grill, the president of the FFR, made the trip. He congratulated the work accomplished and looked further ahead in his explanations. “Rugby is a social issue. There is not enough of it on the national territory and this type of action is a gold mine for the establishment of our sport, especially in Béziers which I know very well with my Languedoc roots This project is remarkable especially as the funds are mainly provided by this association.”

The personalities present, Éric Freitas, Florian Grill and Robert Ménard
Rémy Rugiero

ASBH still under municipal control?

Then comes the turn of Mayor Robert Ménard, the city councilor praising “the partnership between the professional entity and its amateur association guaranteeing its participation in the championship.” And with a wink, evoke the current situation in a possible recovery. “We always talk with a French group and another foreigner.” By concluding with an enigmatic. “What if we kept this club in the end? By betting on this youth and the training center.” While these infrastructures will support this sporting, social and educational role, the ASBH still does not really know which flag it will fly to again in the coming weeks after the resignation of Chairman of the Management Board Jean-Michel Vidal.



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