Tomorrow belongs to us: Departure of a historic figure from the TF1 series, feared consequences

Tomorrow belongs to us: Departure of a historic figure from the TF1 series, feared consequences
Tomorrow belongs to us: Departure of a historic figure from the TF1 series, feared consequences

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Since the summer of 2017, TF1 has been banking on Tomorrow belongs to us to entertain its viewers every evening before Gilles Bouleau’s 8 p.m. news. The series, historically carried by Ingrid Chauvin and Alexandre Brasseur, was the scene of a shock death in May 2024.

The death of Renaud Dumaze (Pierre Deny) in Tomorrow belongs to us

The episode, broadcast on the front page on Monday May 20, was punctuated by the disappearance of a key character from the series. The writers of the soap opera, including an actress who became a mother for the first time, decided to kill Renaud Dumaze, a role played by Pierre Deny since the beginning of DNA.

This script choice shocked, but also greatly saddened fans of Tomorrow belongs to us. Could it cause another departure? That of Marianne Delcourt, Renaud Dumaze’s wife? His interpreter, Luce Mouchel, was questioned on the subject during an interview with the magazine Leisure TV.

Towards a departure of Luce Mouchel (Marianne Delcourt)?

The actress reacted to the death of her fictional husband. “It’s like in life. When you lose someone, you say to yourself, ‘one day, it will be me too’. I think very often about the fact that I am not eternal, in life as in the series It is entirely possible that one day they will decide, for some reason, that there is no longer any need for Marianne. There is no point in preparing for that. happens, we’re shocked. Afterwards, we have to bounce back, move on, but I know that it can happen.she said.

Unlike Patrick Guérineau – who made revelations about the conditions of his departure – Luce Mouchel does not intend to leave Tomorrow belongs to us. “I have no desire to do so. I assure you. I would be happy to continue Tomorrow belongs to us until the end”concluded the one who plays the role of the mother of Chloé Delcourt (Ingrid Chauvin) since the beginning of the series on TF1.



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