Victim of a scam, Léa (Koh-Lanta) warns her subscribers

Victim of a scam, Léa (Koh-Lanta) warns her subscribers
Victim of a scam, Léa (Koh-Lanta) warns her subscribers

Léa, the winner of the last season of Koh-Lanta, The immunity hunters was forced to file a complaint after a mishap that occurred this weekend. She wanted to warn her fans on social networks.

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On June 4, Léa was crowned the big winner of Koh Lanta after having shone in the final pole test and collected the greatest number of votes from the other adventurers. The human resources manager of Hauts-de-Seine won this 25th season with eight votes out of eleven, against Meïssa. She therefore pocketed the tidy sum of 100,000 euros which she wishes to use to travel and “continue to experience strong emotions and sensations, again through sport“, as she revealed to Leisure TV a few days ago.

“I hope no one fell into the trap” : Léa (Koh-Lanta, The immunity hunters) reveals his misadventure to his subscribers

But victory in a cult game like Koh Lanta can also suffer some disadvantages. This is what happened to the forty-year-old this weekend since a mishap led her to file a complaint, as she recounted this Monday, June 17 on her social networks. “My account Instagram was hacked this weekend, since Saturday. I just got it back.”warns the adventurer who is currently participating in the Défi d’elles raid with Julie, another emblematic candidate of this season of Koh-Lanta 2024. You must have seen stories where I sold you a product to make money or I don’t know what anymore. In any case, it was a scam, I hope no one fell for it”.

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“It’s not my habit at all.” : Léa winner of Koh-Lanta, The immunity hunters reassures his fans

The winner reassured her subscribers and took all measures to prevent them from being fooled by this malicious person. “Obviously I filed a complaint, I will share with you the profile of the person who hacked my account. That way, you’ll be able to report him if you ever get any weird messages from him.”she clarified, attaching a photo of the account in question. “Despite all the security measures, we are not at all safe from this type of problem and hacking. So be vigilant, because it is not at all my habit to sell this type of product and do this kind of story”, she concluded by inviting her subscribers to be careful.



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