Cindy Van der Auwera (Large families) will not file a complaint after the poisoning of her animals, she explains why

Cindy Van der Auwera (Large families) will not file a complaint after the poisoning of her animals, she explains why
Cindy Van der Auwera (Large families) will not file a complaint after the poisoning of her animals, she explains why

Today at 5:13 p.m. – by
Sorelle Spet

After revealing what was hidden behind their desire to “to change life“, the Van der Auwera, revealed in the show Large families: life in XXLannounced that they were on the verge of realizing one of their dreams.

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On June 9, Cindy Van der Auwera informed her subscribers, on Instagram, of a big change that would soon shake up the daily life of her tribe: “Two months ago, I had surgery. Today, water has flowed under the bridge with a lot of reflection and questioning. Now I’m enjoying every moment and I’ve reviewed all my priorities. I changed everything and I don’t plan to stop there! Come on, let’s go… But where?” These few lines, published on the social network of the former participant of the docu-reality Large families: life in XXL, did not fail to intrigue fans. The latter then put forward several hypotheses and it was that of the move which came up the most on the Web!

Large families, life in XXL : The Van der Auwera are preparing to change their lives

Saturday June 15, Cindy Van der Auwera put an end to the suspense. During a live Instagram, the parents of eleven children announced to their fans: “You’ve been waiting for a while and we’ve been waiting to explain to you what’s going on with us. We waited to take some special steps, we couldn’t talk about it. […] It’s been twenty years since we left this region. Where are we? We are in the Pyrénées-Orientales.“But this “return to basics” is not the only change that the heads of the family have made!

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Cindy and Sébastien Van der Auwera (Large families) are not going to file a complaint, here is the reason

Fans know that Cindy and Sébastien are true animal lovers. However, last May, the heads of the family experienced a real tragedy when they lost numerous animals following poisoning. In her live, she explains in particular why she did not file a complaint. According to the mother, analyzing the hay could be too expensive, she is also not sure of the final result. She prefers to make a new start in the Pyrénées-Orientales, which inspired them with a project that is close to their hearts. “We are going to rebuild everything: we are doing what we always wanted to do: taking care of animals, animal rescue […]we start everything from scratch“, confided the mother, on Instagram. If the two spouses still wanted to keep their project secret, Sébastien ended up spilling the beans: “The idea would be to do animal mediation with animals that we have saved. […] Give them a second life so that they can give a second life to suffering children.“His wife then clarified:”So that they [les animaux, NDLR] can [également] receive love.

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Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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