A moving “Real Family”, carried by Mélanie Thierry, this evening on M6

Driss, Anna and their three boys seemingly form a happy, uneventful family. But she’s not quite like the others. One of the children, Simon, six years old (the very cute Gabriel Pavie) was placed as a baby with the couple. Suddenly, his biological father, Eddy, (Félix Moati), who has found a certain stability, decides to take him back, and Child Welfare grants his request. For Anna, especially, as for Simon, this decision is heartbreaking. The young woman loses her footing, endangering the balance of her family and her work.

A moving drama about foster children

Mélanie Thierry is moving in the role of this devastated foster mother and all the other actors are very fair. This poignant TV film illustrates the cruel dilemma that surrounds foster children. Should we separate a child from those who have always been around him? How far does the delicate role of foster parents extend? How can we best align the rights of biological parents with the interests of the child?

These questions have always agitated child protection professionals, who recommend that caregivers not “become too attached”. They sometimes lead to dramatic situations. The real family , which grips the guts and often leads to the verge of tears will not solve an insoluble equation, but it allows us to think.

M6 9:10 p.m.



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