Michel Drucker announces officially returning at the start of the next school year with “Vivement Dimanche”

Michel Drucker announces officially returning at the start of the next school year with “Vivement Dimanche”
Michel Drucker announces officially returning at the start of the next school year with “Vivement Dimanche”

At 81 years old and despite serious health problems some time ago, Michel Drucker is always present on the air. He is notably at the head of the show Looking forward to Sunday, since 1998, on Sunday afternoons. Twenty-five years later, the host is clearly not yet ready to leave the flagship program of France Télévisions.

Michel Drucker faced major health problems

The presenter of cult shows Studio Gabriel Or Champs Elysées marked the history of television. Over the years, Michel Drucker has managed to make a name for himself place of choice in the hearts of the French. So, when health problems took him away from television sets, his audience was very worried.

In fact, the host underwent emergency heart surgery in 2020, including a triple bypass. Three years later, Dany Saval’s husband had to be re-operated on open heart. “I learned, fortunately later, that the doctors considered that I had about a 20% chance of surviving.“, he declared at the time to our colleagues at TV Mag.

Despite these difficulties, the television star insisted on resume professional activities whenever it was possible. Thus, after a period of rest, Michel Drucker was able to present again Looking forward to Sundayto the delight of his admirers.

Will Michel Drucker ever retire?

But while he will celebrate his 82nd birthday next September, the host still does not seem ready to retire. I’m off for a ride!“, Michel Drucker even declared to our colleagues at Tele-Leisure.

However, he had, on several occasions, mentioned the date of the end of his television career. Although he had announced that he would leave office in 2025, Michel Drucker recently reversed his decision. He indicated at the start of the year that he wanted to continue “ as long as the public follows“.

On the occasion of the Olympic Games, the host was also entrusted with an important mission by the management of France Télévisions: to host a daily show in the company of Léa Salamé. If the project had everything to please Michel Drucker, he unfortunately had to decline this task. “I’m not going to appear there much. The cardiologists don’t want me to do this every day because I come back from a long way away. »he indicated to our colleagues at TV Mag.

I’m off for a ride!

While this information has surely disappointed Michel Drucker’s loyal fans, excellent news has just been made public concerning the future of the host. Indeed, columnist Nicolas Malaboeuf has just announced the return of the host for a new season of Looking forward to Sunday in September.

Michel Drucker will launch the next season of Vivement Dimanche on Sunday September 15 from 1:30 p.m. on France 3!“, indicated the media specialist. Information that did not fail to make Internet users react. If some subscribers mentioned the “ courage » of the host after his health problems, others have highlighted the lack of renewal of the France Télévisions program schedule.

With a exceptional popularity, the fate of Michel Drucker leaves no one indifferent. Will its loyal viewers be in front of their television sets again in September to enjoy unpublished issues of Looking forward to Sunday ? There is no doubt that this will be the case.



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