On TF1 news, Céline Dion confirms her comeback “soon” – Libération

On TF1 news, Céline Dion confirms her comeback “soon” – Libération
On TF1 news, Céline Dion confirms her comeback “soon” – Libération

The singer answered questions from Anne-Claire Coudray this Sunday evening and announced that she was going to “return on stage”, without specifying a date.

Céline Dion’s career, stopped dead in December 2022 for serious health reasons – she has suffered from stiff man syndrome since 2008, a rare and incurable autoimmune disease – was due to resume in April. “Even if I have to crawl there, I will get back on stage” the Canadian diva confirmed on June 11 during an interview filmed on the American channel NBC.

Also the issue of his interview with Anne-Claire Coudray on Sunday evening on the TF1 television news was to respond to a growing noise: that of his participation in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. But no scoop on this subject and others during these few minutes of exchange filmed a few days ago in his home in Las Vegas.

The singer’s illness is the central subject of I am Celine, documentary by Irene Taylor produced by Prime Video which she came to promote before its release on Amazon’s SVOD platform from June 25. At the microphone of Anne-Claire Coudray, Céline Dion recounted the transformation of her voice, the hazards of self-medication with poorly adapted treatments including Valium, in response to an undiagnosed illness. The imperative to put your career on hold as a mother. Also his obligation to take care – “I can’t do too much”, says the one who must sing by mobilizing different parts of her body and her organs of vocation. And little more. No return date on stage or on record has, to date, been communicated. Fans will perhaps bet on his presence on July 26 at the Concorde in this “see you soon” cheerful in conclusion.



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