Cindy Van der Auwera (Large families) announces her move with her husband!

On Instagram this Saturday, June 15, Cindy Van der Auwera, the flagship mother of Large families: life in XXL, announced to her subscribers that she was making a life change. First step in this shift, a move.

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For several episodes, Cindy and Sébastien Van der Auwera revealed their daily life with their eleven children. A daily life that turns out to be hectic, especially since they are both children and adolescents. Ultimately, the tribe decided to close the doors of their home but continues to be very active on social networks. These last few months have been complicated for the family. Indeed, discreet for many weeks, Cindy lifted the veil on her worrying state of health. Returning home after surgery last March for a brain tumor, she explains: “It was quite a heavy intervention, as you can see. I look good, my hair is not as usual, the reason is that it was an intervention on the brain. Four hours of surgery, a day of sheave, around twenty staples.

Cindy Van der Auwera and her husband Sébastien (Large families) announce their move

After long weeks in convalescence, Cindy Van der Auwera is back on track and has new projects. At the start of the day this Saturday, June 15, she spoke with her husband Sébastien to indicate “to change life”. “With the loss of our animals At the end of last year and what happened with Cindy, we sped things up a bit“, said the father of the family. “It’s been 20 years since we left this region, the eastern Pyrenees, and we always said that we would return there towards retirement, but the fact is that with everything that happened, it rushed things and we decided to take the plunge now“, confides the couple who left Béarn.

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The couple purchased a “big house” that requires “Works”

We present our house to you, it’s a big house and there is work to be done. We’re going to have some decorating to do, I’ll be able to share the before/after with you. We are going to redo all the rooms. We have lots of things to do and show you. That’s the first step, and afterward, obviously, a move is not a change of life. We will gradually change our lives but there is still work to be done“, they clarified.



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