This big change for Faustine Bollaert that you probably haven’t noticed

This big change for Faustine Bollaert that you probably haven’t noticed
This big change for Faustine Bollaert that you probably haven’t noticed

During the filming of It starts today, Faustine Bollaert is equipped with a headset which allows her to be connected to the stage management. Producer Stéphanie Guérin reveals to us what the new direction was taken a year ago.

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During the 1000th issue of It starts today, the magazine that she has hosted since 2017 on France 2, Faustine Bollaert welcomed the editorial team on set at the end of the show to thank them for their work. Among those present, Stéphanie Guérin, the historic producer of the show who spoke for a long time into the host’s earpiece during filming. Even if, as the presenter confided to us during an interview given to Tele-Leisureshe already knows the testimonies of the guests thanks to the files and the planned sequence of each issue that she receives in advance. “I soak up everything, without necessarily learning the information by heart. On set, I let myself be guided by my own curiosity,” she explained.

There producer of It starts today reveals why she no longer speaks into Faustine Bollaert’s headset

Since a year, Faustine Bollaert is no longer accompanied by Stéphanie Guérin in the headset, but by the co-producer of the show Aude Pavani. On the occasion of the anniversary issue of the show, the historic producer, who also collaborated with Jean-Luc Delarue for the society magazine It is discussed, revealed to us the reason. “I wanted to take some time, because this show is very time consuming. The goal is to continue to develop podcasts around the show’s experts, and other projects with Faustine. We have lots of ideas”, she reveals. If she no longer fulfills this essential mission alongside Maxime Chattam’s wife, Stéphanie Guérin is far from having drawn a line under It starts today. “I moved away from the headset a little, but I’m never very far away. This show is my baby” she smiled.

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It starts today : what does production say to Faustine Bollaert in the headset?

From the control room, the producer who speaks into Faustine Bollaert’s earpiece has several missions: ensuring time management on the show, giving reminders, recalling information about the guests or ensuring that surprises go smoothly . “If the person starts to suspect that something is happening, I am notified and I can speed things up” specifies the French favorite presenter. The latter also explains the differences between the recordings and the live broadcasts on Friday: “It’s complicated when someone speaks to you in the headset. Live, that’s not where people talk to me the most. It’s even the opposite, because I need to be focused on the guests’ speeches. On the other hand, I need to be given a lot of time information, it’s very important” she explains. Unlike a live broadcast, a recorded broadcast can last between 1h05 and 1h10.

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