Dounia Coesens speaks about this choice which is not her decision

Dounia Coesens speaks about this choice which is not her decision
Dounia Coesens speaks about this choice which is not her decision

France 3 broadcasts this Tuesday evening the penultimate episode of “La doc et le veto”. A series that ends, unfortunately, for fans of this one. Dounia Coesens, one of the main actresses, returned to this choice for “Télé-Loisirs”.

Dounia Coesens can be found this Tuesday evening on France 3, in The doc and the vet. In this series, she plays Emma Colin, a young graduate of Paris Medicine, who arrives in a small Auvergne village and meets Pierre Josset (Michel Cymes), the local veterinarian and native child, returning after a career city ​​life and a divorce. They are then cforced to share their offices.

The doc and the vet, it ends on June 11, with the broadcast of the last episode (there will have been 6 in total). Why such a choice ? “It wasn’t necessarily our decision. I was proud and happy to defend a series set in a rural environment. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to Emma and Auvergne“, explained the 35-year-old actress for Tele-Leisurea few days ago.

An interview in which she also analyzed her duet with Michel Cymes, which the public is more used to seeing with Adriana Karembeu: “The first episodes of a series are always complicated. We’re looking for each other. I tend to push the sliders. I wanted Emma to be a tornado, whereas Michel’s character had to be more calm and collected. This could be a real difficulty at first. Then the characters got closer. Like us in life. There is a lot of complicity between Michel and me.

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