Interview: A “flying” start to the 3rd season for “Indefensible”

Interview: A “flying” start to the 3rd season for “Indefensible”
Interview: A “flying” start to the 3rd season for “Indefensible”

During the big media premiere of Cirque du Soleil’s Kurios show, we spoke with actor Michel Laperrière, in the middle of filming the third season of Indéfendable.

He first tells us that the new version will begin “ on the wheel hats “. We will remember that Inès (Nour Belkhiria) and Legrand (Martin-David Peters) died in the explosion of the latter’s vehicle last season.

Viewers reacted strongly, so our characters react at least as strongly as the viewers.

The final actually caused a shock wave on social networks. No one expected this spectacular turnaround. A good move from the author Izabel Chevrier.

Regarding what happens next, the actor tells us this: “ We’re going to have auditions because we’re going to need a new intern “. Remember that the producer of the series, Charles Lafortune, gave us a clue about this new character here.

The actor also reassures us by telling us that even if Marianne (Anne-Elisabeth Bossé) has become a crown lawyer, she will still be very present in the series.

Michel Laperrière also comments on the changes behind the scenes since the death of Me Richard Dubé, the co-author and creator of the legal drama. “ There was a lawyer who took over from Richard, but they knew each other very well, so he boarded the boat with… a lot of delicacy I would say. »

I was worried for a while when it happened, obviously, but now I have no worries. »

The filming ofIndefensible began in May and will last until January 2025.



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