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Défi Media Groupe platforms and products lead in all categories

The latest Kantar TNS survey on information consumption trends by Mauritians reveals that the written press continues to face tough competition from digital, while radio remains stable. We also note that Défi Media Group platforms dominate the local media landscape.

The evolution of the media landscape shows a decline in traditional media, such as the written press (daily newspapers, magazines and weeklies), with a particularly marked decline for the press (-11%) and magazines (-6%). Television, although still dominant, has lost 6% of its audience. On the other hand, radio remains stable at 82%, while the Internet continues to position itself as an essential media despite a slight drop of 2%. Outdoor advertising formats, such as billboards and bus advertising, are also following this downward trend.

The most listened to radio stations in Mauritius show interesting fluctuations. Radio Plus continues to clearly dominate and even allows a slight increase, going from 34% to 36% between 2023 and 2024. Top FM, second, records a constant decline to stabilize at 14%. NRJ and Radio One maintain relatively stable audience shares. Wazaa FM and Taal FM are experiencing notable declines, suggesting a loss of attraction among listeners.

Daily newspaper penetration rate

The figures reveal a tight battle between Le Défi Quotidien and l’express, which dominate the daily newspaper market with 20.4% and 20.3% penetration respectively. Le Mauricien follows with 8.1%, remaining a respected publication, but with a more limited reach. Then comes Le Socialiste, with a penetration rate of only 0.1%. However, if we compare the figures for the second quarter of 2023 with those of the second quarter of this year, we note that express has lost around 6% and Le Défi Quotidien 5%. The Mauritian remains stable.

radio plus platform

Media Group Challenge: multi-faceted domination

The Défi Media Group stands out for its media diversity, particularly with Radio Plus, which remains the leader in the Mauritian radio landscape, recording an increasing penetration rate, reaching 36% in the 2nd quarter of 2024. Its success lies in its varied format of news and interactive programs, particularly listened to during peak hours. is emerging as a major digital player with an impressive 43% penetration, significantly outperforming its competitors thanks to its responsiveness and local coverage. Radio Plus Digital, the group’s other website and Facebook page, is in fourth place with 14.8%, while TéléPlus is 8th with 8.0%.

Le Défi Quotidien is the most widely read daily newspaper, but is suffering a certain erosion of its readership, even if its leading position is not in question.

Le Défi Plus, with a rate of 17%, maintains its leading position among weeklies, thanks to informative and attractive content. Star, with 2.8%, must navigate an ultra-competitive market to maintain its relevance.

Le Dimanche/L’Hebdo, with a penetration of 4.4%, targets a niche audience through its in-depth reporting, while Le Défi Turf, at 3.7%, asserts itself as the leader in terms of magazines, capitalizing on the Mauritian passion for horse racing.

Social media platforms still dominate the Mauritian digital space with WhatsApp (68.9%) and Facebook (65.9%) leading the way. stands out as the main local information site with 43% penetration, followed by at 30.5%. YouTube, TikTok and Netflix also maintain a prominent place among Mauritian users.



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