FALSE: There was no plane accident on August 27, 2024 in Greach, Senegal | by PesaCheck | Sep, 2024

The communications office of the National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) denied the assertion.

This TikTok post claiming that a plane crashed in Greach, three kilometers from Ngaye Mecké, Senegal, and that no one survived, is FALSE.

The post, published on August 27, 2024, reads: “Urgently a plane fell in Senegal right now, in a village called Greach, 3 km from Ngaye Mecké no one survived.” The post is accompanied by emoticons representing flashing lights and the Senegalese flag.

PesaCheck analyzed the post and found it to be false.

A Google search with the keywords “plane crash occurred in Senegal on August 27, 2024 in Greach” obtained no conclusive results.

On September 25, 2024, PesaCheck contacted Ndiaga Diouf, member of the communications team at the National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) and the latter refuted this assertion. “ No plane accident occurred in the rural commune on August 27, 2024. Besides, if that were the case, the media would have talked about it “, he said.

PesaCheck also searched the Aviation Safety Network website, which records all plane crashes worldwide, but found no information about a crash that occurred on August 27, 2024, in Senegal.

The rural community of Greach is located in Méckhé, a town in northwestern Senegal, between Thiès and Saint-Louis.

PesaCheck analyzed a TikTok post claiming that a plane had crashed in the village of Greach, three kilometers from Ngaye Mecké in northwestern Senegal, leaving no survivors, and found it to be FALSE.



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