A teenager seriously injured in a road accident in Dordogne

A teenager seriously injured in a road accident in Dordogne
A teenager seriously injured in a road accident in Dordogne

A serious traffic accident this Saturday September 28, 2024 in the middle of the afternoon in Saint-Aquilin, in Dordogne, on the departmental 103 towards Tocane Saint-Apre. A small Peugeot car left the road, causing several rollovers in the shoulder and repeatedly hitting bumpers in the ditch. According to the emergency services present on site a few minutes after the accident, the driver of the vehicle, an 18-year-old man, lost control of his car alone.

Also in the car was a young 16-year-old teenager, slightly injured, as well asa 16-year-old girl seriously injured and rushed to Périgueux hospital. According to initial findings, the vehicle’s speed was high on this straight line, surrounded by a forest. “The car was in a bad state”explains the mayor of Saint-Aquilin, who visited the site. “They are local young people, one of the boys came from Douchapt and the young girl from Ribérac”continues the elected representative of the municipality.

In total, the intervention required the presence of 12 firefighters. To free the car from the ditch, traffic on this road was alternated for approximately two hours. The mayor of Saint-Aquilin specifies that since 6:30 p.m., Traffic is now back to normal.



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