The sixth episode is online! • Skeleton Crew News • Star Wars Universe

So for me the thing is deeper than that (or more emotional if you like), it’s not so much what KB can’t do, but what she doesn’t want to openly show that she can’t do …I don’t know if it’s very clear

Basically, concretely what is happening is simply that certain parts of KB’s prostheses do not support the humid environment well, then very cold, as she says, its parts oxidize and deteriorate quickly, in particular the important part that will replace Wim, KB’s prosthesis seems to consist of what I understand to be a vascular-cerebral connection system, basically between his brain and his entire nervous system of his spinal cord (I’m not using the right ones). terms, if there are doctors in the assistance patapé please :chut: ), and if its machinery no longer works, it therefore becomes as inert as a person suffering from complete paralysis.
And what bothers her in the story is not finding herself inert and “incapable”, but that Fern sees her in this state.
Like many people with disabilities (obviously quite recently…she’s been in this state for just over a year), she is very afraid of publicly displaying her weaknesses, of coming across as dead weight, that her friend looks at it differently or even abandons it seeing that with the slightest drop in temperature it could find itself very destitute.
I think that if Fern doesn’t know how to replace her parts it’s mainly because KB has managed so far so that Fern doesn’t have to see her in this state of distress, she must already be living very badly than to From time to time Fern had to restart her system which freezes.
She has already seen herself restart once here, she knows (and physically senses) that things are not going to work out given the environment, that if she tries to climb the mountain she risks finding herself inert during the climb at all. moment, and she doesn’t want to admit that to Fern, and so she voluntarily prefers to argue with her rather than admit her real level of physical distress. ???? :neutral:

As for the “marvel joke”, well it was me who misunderstood but for me there was really a risk of death, if as I think all his motor functions were to stop, well in the long run what wait it’s death :neutral:
There was a little moment of “rebooting” and that’s it…I experienced it more like a false moment of suspense, and KB behind who was clever enough to immediately bounce back in mode “come on, on the way to the adventure!” to boost the morale of impressionable little Wim who two seconds ago thought he was going to witness the death of his new friend. :neutral:

Honestly, credit me for digging too much, but from my point of view I find it well done all the same and with more depth than one would expect from a Goonies adventure in space and with a nice message as a bonus. for viewers with certain disabilities :neutral: :cute: (if they are real friends, they will always love you and accept you regardless of your level of disability), which is why I think it’s still a good episode, despite the filler and very short side (but it could have been fill 10 more mins with other things like I said) :neutral: :o



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