A Quiet Place – Day One | Of Sounds and Emotions

A Quiet Place (2018) begins 89 days after an invasion by murderous aliens with heightened hearing. John Krasinski’s blockbuster thriller then jumps forward a year in time.

Published at 1:40 a.m.

Updated at 7:30 a.m.

Before picking up where the first part left off, the sequel, released in 2021, tells the story of the arrival of the creatures from the point of view of the Abbott family in the small town of Millbrook, north of New York.

A Quiet Place – Day One tells how this terrible day unfolded in the heart of the American metropolis.

Again, the emphasis here is on point of view. While the first two films document the challenges of raising young children in silence – and in constant fear – Day One offers the perspective of a woman suffering from incurable cancer facing the apparent end of the world.

This is a bold choice by Michael Sarnoski (Pig), who takes over from John Krasinski behind the camera, and who co-signs the screenplay with the latter. Especially since Sam – the main character – is antisocial and cynical. Despite the efforts of the staff at her hospice, she only wants the presence of her cat Frodo while waiting to die. The tragic events will, however, reveal a character of great depth played masterfully by Lupita Nyong’o (UsTHE Black Panther, 12 Years a Slave).

The quest for a pizza

On June 18, despite her reluctance, Sam agrees to board the bus that takes the patients into town to attend a show. She makes the nurse in charge of the group promise to stop at a pizza place on the way back. However, she is told to return quickly. Sam’s anger is suddenly replaced by fear, as a rain of gigantic, long-limbed creatures descends on New York.

Horrifyingly, the din of destruction is short-lived. Sam comes to his senses among a group that has already noticed that the aliens react to noise. With the exception of the woman who was looking for Jonathan – you will understand – the humans quickly realized that silence is required. Surprising, though…

The many New York bridges are also destroyed without delay, because the aliens cannot swim – another detail observed in a short time. The survivors walk towards the south of the island in the hope of being evacuated by boat. Sam heads towards Harlem instead, in search of his pizza. Along the way, she meets Eric (Joseph Quinn, seen in Stranger Things), a British law student who was completely terrified. The two will help each other on this perilous journey to Patsy’s restaurant.


Joseph Quinn plays Eric, while Lupita Nyong’o plays Sam.

More touching than scary

Day One has some good action scenes that are very anxiety-inducing: in a flooded tunnel, a glass building or the devastated streets. The work of cinematographer Pat Scola and production designer Simon Bowles deserves to be highlighted.

In a film where silence is inherent to the story, each sound is brilliantly exploited. Whether it is that of a fountain, thunder, breathing or the tumult of a herd of creatures moving towards the source of noise, we listen Day One as much as we look at it.

We also feel it more than we would have imagined. As she knows her day has come, Sam opens her heart and allows herself to live again. Lupita Nyong’o communicates a vast range of emotions through her gaze alone. His interactions with the cat also convey an impressive register. Distraught, Eric clings to the determination of his new friend and gradually becomes the one who carries her. Their relationship offers beautiful, touching moments, but which sometimes stretch. We almost forget the omnipresent danger that always has an outstretched ear.

We hoped that the third A Quiet Place widens the lens in relation to the invasion of our planet. Well-crafted, the story remains intimate and preserves the mystery of the aliens. A refreshing choice, since so many prequels have made the mistake of explaining everything. We still remain somewhat hungry while waiting for a fourth part.

Check the movie schedule

A Quiet Place – Day One


A Quiet Place – Day One
(V.F. : A quiet corner – Day 1)

Michael Sarnoski

With Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Djimon Hounsou

1 h 40




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