the first opinions on the sequel to the cult horror saga have arrived

the first opinions on the sequel to the cult horror saga have arrived
the first opinions on the sequel to the cult horror saga have arrived

The first opinions on Quietly: Day One by Michael Sarnoski are there and it’s rather reassuring for the horror franchise.

Without a soundet Without a sound 2 by John Krasinski were big critical and financial successes, with respectively $341 million and $298 million in worldwide box office revenue. The announcement of a new film was therefore not really surprisingand we are curious to see what Michael Sarnoski, notably behind Pig with Nicolas Cage, will propose to us.

Quietly: Day 1, which will be the longest film in the horrific saga, was therefore particularly anticipated in its capacity as a spin-off embellishing the universe in a new light. And justly, the first American reviews of Michael Sarnoski’s film have finally appeared. Tweet review.

A serene look…

Quietly: Day 20/20?

“Quietly: Day 1 might be my favorite of the saga. The urban setting brings new thrills and thrilling suspense. But what really sets this film apart is the poignant story about finding inner peace told by Lupita Nyong’o and director Michael Sarnoski, even during the apocalypse. »

Andrew J. Salazar – Discussing Film

“Would you like an excellent horror trilogy? Because Quietly: Day 1 is also very good! I loved the first two films, their dizzying tension and their more intimate settings, but I also love an epic film in a big, devastated city setting. Day 1 delivers that, while making the most of the franchise’s core concept and keeping the same ideas for its main characters. »

Perri Nemiroff – Collider

“I loved Quietly: Day 1. The tension is even greater compared to the first two, notably thanks to the addition of a multitude of aliens. But at heart, it’s a moving story about two lost people finding each other. Schnitzel the cat steals everyone’s show. The ending is exceptional. »

Mark Daniell – Toronto Sun

Another very funny film

“Quietly: Day 1 is a dark and extremely oppressive summer blockbuster. The third film in the franchise is emotionally taxing and is at its best when it highlights those glimmers of humanity and hope we all need in desperate times. Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn do their best against their fairly thin characters, and Sarnoski portrays the large-scale chaos and destruction well.

That said, the majority of the film feels a bit like an uninnovative update of what we already learned about the universe in the first films. Kudos to the cat for stealing the spotlight from both stars by just staying quiet and minding his own business.«

Matt Neglia – Next Best Picture

“I loved Quietly: Day 1. If the first two films were more like Alien – little muffled moments of terror – Day 1 is closer to Aliens, with its carnage and huge, noisy, scary monsters . Nyong’o brings a heartbreaking edge to his role – and the final shot will leave you BROKEN. »

At the same level ?

American critics therefore seem very satisfied with Quietly: Day 1. As one might expect, they notably highlight the differences in style and atmosphere of this third opus compared to the first two films, as well as the effective direction of Michael Sarnoski. However, it is difficult to say whether Jour 1 places itself at the same level as its big brothers qualitatively, especially since the reviews are still quite rare.

Will another round of less laudatory reviews land upon its theatrical release in the United States? Nothing is less sure. At any rate, Quietly: Day 1 will arrive in our French cinemas on June 26, 2024we will very quickly be able to form our own opinion on the continuation of the horror franchise.



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