Rated 1.1 out of 5: 20 years before starring in the best science fiction film of all time, Matthew McConaughey debuted in a completely failed horror thriller – Cinema News

Rated 1.1 out of 5: 20 years before starring in the best science fiction film of all time, Matthew McConaughey debuted in a completely failed horror thriller – Cinema News
Rated 1.1 out of 5: 20 years before starring in the best science fiction film of all time, Matthew McConaughey debuted in a completely failed horror thriller – Cinema News

Did you know that at the very beginning of his career, Matthew McConaughey played a villain in a part (not the best) of a cult horror saga? And to get the role, he did something amazing!

Today he is one of the big names in Hollywood cinema, with roles with Steven Spielberg (Amistad), Martin Scorsese (The Wolf of Wall Street) and Christopher Nolan (Interstellar, considered by our spectators as the best film of science fiction of all time with a rating of 4.49 out of 5). But before becoming an international star, Matthew McConaughey started out in modest productions, notably a part of the saga… The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Next Generation, the fourth installment of the horror franchise initiated by Tobe Hooper’s classic, Matthew McConaughey plays a villain. Not the terrifying Leatherface but one of his descendants, Vilmer, who brings a nightmare to a group of young people in which we find a certain Renée Zellweger.

If Chainsaw Massacre, the new generation is of very relative quality (we are, let’s say, a foot and a half in the wrong, AlloCiné spectators are not mistaken with a rating of 1.08 out of 5), Matthew McConaughey has good memories of this filming carried out in the wake of Richard Linklater’s Rebel Generation. And still laughs about how he got his role!

Originally, Matthew McConaughey (who could be brothers with another Hollywood star) was only supposed to play a very small role in the film, which would have required only one day of shooting. But while the production is looking for an actor to play the terrifying Vilmer, he has a flash: why wouldn’t he audition to play this important character?

“I ran to the kitchen…”: McConaughey in improv to get a role!

Kim Henkel, director of Chainsaw Massacre, the new generationagrees to give an audition to Matthew McConaughey, who must read a scene in the company of the film’s production secretary. But a simple reading is not enough for the young actor…

“I ran to the kitchen.”tell McConaughey in comments reported by The Hollywood Reporter. “I grabbed a big soup spoon, came back and pinned the secretary in the corner pretending it was a weapon. I did that until she cried. The director said “It was good” and she, for her part, said “Yeah, it was really good. You really scared me.” So much so that the actor immediately got the role and filmed not for a day, but for a month!

False Connection: the gaffes and errors of “Interstellar”:



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