They live at the gates of the festival site in Clisson: “We are happy when Hellfest arrives”

They live at the gates of the festival site in Clisson: “We are happy when Hellfest arrives”
They live at the gates of the festival site in Clisson: “We are happy when Hellfest arrives”


Vincent Malboeuf

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 7:16 a.m.

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This is the street that leads to the guitar roundabout and the one most impacted by Clisson (in Loire-Atlantique) at the time of Hellfest.

Where pedestrians, cyclists, bikers, taxis and shuttles meet during the four days of the metal festival. Welcome to the Dourie road.

Food trucks and bars in front of houses

On this Friday, June 21, a few days before the kick-off, it is the calm before the storm. Stripped of its white markers for the occasion, the street is preparing to be invaded by metalheads which will converge on the Hellfest site.

Food trucks and bars will be set up in front of some houses, including Daniel’s.

The 68 year old man lives at the top of the Route de la Dourie since 1998. Not even 100 meters from the site.

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Hellfest? I’ve never had a problem. The festival-goers are polite and very friendly. I have about fifteen of them this year in my garden. We can sleep without any problem, which is surprising!

Daniel, resident of the Hellfest site

With his partner Marie, he likes to “see” the festival-goers arrive, “but also to see them leave”, because “there are certain constraints anyway “. “To go shopping, we anticipate. We do them before everyone arrives.”

“We’re coming back especially for Hellfest”

A little further down, Chantal and Alain are enchanted by Hellfest. The retired couple have just arrived in Clisson, after spending some quality time in their mobile home in Brétignolles, on the Vendée coast.

“We come back on purpose for Hellfest,” says Chantal. When we moved into our rental three years ago, I was a little apprehensive but actually, it’s great. We like it when Hellfest comes.”

Small downsidethe motorbikes parked in front of their homes roaring in the middle of the night…

“Apart from that, we are happy to meet the festival-goers. They are all respectful, I didn’t expect that.”

Chantal and Alain, residents of the Route de la Dourie, returned “on purpose for Hellfest”. ©HSM

“Never had a problem or seen a fight in the street”

Next to their home, lives Roland, owner of his house since 2009.

“This puts entertainment in the street. Yes, there are constraints when parking and getting home, but it’s less inconvenient than rugby! Every weekend there are cars everywhere. And especially, it moves much slower than in normal times. Even with the cones, the speed remains excessive in front of us,” says the man who lives opposite the Dourie stadium.

“I’ve never had a problem with Hellfest, never seen a fight in the street,” confides for his part Madeleinewho has lived here for 60 years.

“And then it only lasts four days,” continues the retiree from Clisson, who will welcome the camper van of a family friend in her driveway as usual.

Delphine and her husband Stéphane will once again welcome festival-goers. ©HSM

Local residents stay at home and welcome festival-goers

Not sure if local residents will leave the area during Hellfest. In the end, many stay at home and welcome festival-goers. This is still the case for Delphine and Stéphane, who have been here since 2003.

Husband is “a big fan” of the festival and even launched it with friends un « Hellfriends »a friendly meeting place for Hellfest enthusiasts.

We saw Hellfest grow. The first years, the house vibrated. Today, we are much less impacted by noise.


Childminder, she takes a break from this Wednesday until the following Monday. “I’m stopping working because it’s too complicated to get to our house.”

“It’s starting to get loud in the neighborhood…”

She assures that she has “no reservations about Hellfest”, apart from the duration of the passes offered by management to the closest residents.

From 3 days, they have gone to 1 day over the past two years. A criticism heard also in Daniel, who speaks of a “lack of recognition towards us”. “It’s starting to get loud in the neighborhood…”.

In the meantime, these are with open arms that they welcome festival-goers on the Route de la Dourie.

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