Good news, one of the best films of 2023 is coming to Netflix today!

Good news, one of the best films of 2023 is coming to Netflix today!
Good news, one of the best films of 2023 is coming to Netflix today!

Upon its release in theaters in 2023, this film directed by Steven Spielberg (ET, the extra-terrestrial, Jurassic Park) with Michelle Williams (Dawson) and Paul Dano (Prisoners) had amazed critics and audiences alike. The beauty and charm of the shots, a moving soundtrack from start to finish, an exciting and unique story, a message of hope… The Fabelmans is a dream, that of a sensitive, imaginative and creative young boy who aspires to only one thing: to make films. Based on the legendary filmmaker’s own childhood and introduction to cinema in post-war America, The Fabelmans by Steven Spielberg is also a moving family story. Good news, the film The Fabelmans is now available on Netflix since Wednesday May 22!

The Fabelmans : Steven Spielberg draws inspiration from his family history

To retrace the emergence of the virtuoso of blockbuster cinema, we follow the young Sammy Fabelman, born into a Jewish family in Arizona in the post-World War II era. One evening, while attending the screening of the film The Greatest Show on Earth with his parents, he has a revelation. Screwed to his camera, Sammy begins to edit his own films at home, making his mother proud who will never stop supporting and encouraging him. The Fabelmanswhich stands out as the most intimate film of the director who failed from major film schools due to his low academic results, is also a film about family, siblings, harassment and the importance of forgiveness, explained Spielberg during from the press conference about the film.

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A filming that did not leave Steven Spielberg indifferent

To play his family on screen, Steven Spielberg treated himself to a five-star cast. He chose actress Michelle Williams, revealed in the television series Dawson, to play his mother. A no-brainer for the director. “She had a look that reminded me of my mother, that’s all I can say.“, he assured. For his own role, he entrusted it to the young Gabriel LaBelle, who was able to learn at length about his character. “He conducted his research, not from videos or films that I could give him, but by obtaining as much information as possible from me directly. He was the originator of all our calls, and I found that very interesting because I too like to control everything“, added the “king of entertainment”, deeply marked by this experience. “The story kept bringing me back to real memories. It was both crazy and strange to reconstruct events that had really happened to me and see them unfold before my eyes. I had never experienced such experience”admitted Steven Spielberg.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Médias



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