Moroccan Sahara: what remains to be done, according to King Mohammed VI

Moroccan Sahara: what remains to be done, according to King Mohammed VI
Moroccan Sahara: what remains to be done, according to King Mohammed VI

King Mohammed VI advocated, in his speech delivered today at the opening of the new parliamentary session, “increased mobilization and vigilance to sustainably strengthen the position of the Kingdom» on the question of the Moroccan Sahara. More than an appeal, the Sovereign has drawn up a road map to consolidate the diplomatic achievements of the Kingdom and face the hostile maneuvers of adversaries.

Underlining the importance of coordination and unity to sustain these achievements and amplify international support for this dynamic, King Mohammed VI encourages “continue to plead the justice of our Cause and to thwart the maneuvers of adversaries».

Qualified profiles to explain the fundamentals of Morocco

The Sovereign also recalled that the fundamentals of the Moroccan position must be clearly presented “to the small number of countries» who, despite historical and legal realities, persist in denying the facts: “Correlatively, we must work to convince them of the legitimacy of the Moroccanness of the Sahara with the help of legal, political, historical and spiritual proofs and arguments.»

To do this, the King urged a pooling of efforts between all national institutions – whether official, partisan or civil – in order to strengthen coordination and ensure increased effectiveness in the defense of this essential cause. Addressing parliamentarians in particular, the Sovereign recalled their determining role in this dynamic: “You are aware, honorable parliamentarians, of the active role that belongs to partisan and parliamentary diplomacy to garner more recognition in favor of the Moroccanness of the Sahara and to broaden support for the Autonomy Initiative, as the only solution to this regional conflict.»

Read also: King Mohammed VI: “the Sahara is the prism through which Morocco considers its international environment”

The Sovereign thus called for better cooperation between the two chambers of Parliament, recommending the establishment of “adapted internal structures, equipped with qualified profiles and applying the criteria of competence and specialization in the choice of delegations, both during bilateral meetings and during participation in regional and international forums“. This strategy, combined with proactive diplomacy, is an essential lever to thwart destabilization attempts orchestrated by Morocco’s adversaries.

«Morocco will constantly remain firm on its position»

The achievements in terms of socio-economic development in these regions are proof of the effectiveness of the Moroccan approach, focused on development and prosperity for all citizens.

Building on this internal dynamic, Morocco continues to assert its role within its regional environment, firmly defending its principles while remaining open to dialogue and cooperation. “We reaffirm that Morocco will constantly remain firm in its position and faithful to the spirit of openness towards its Maghreb and regional environment, thus contributing to the common development of the peoples of the region, their security and their stability.», concluded the King. The path is clear.



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