swastikas inscribed on the wall of the French consulate in Geneva

swastikas inscribed on the wall of the French consulate in Geneva

Par Le Figaro with AFP

yesterday at 6:12 p.m.,

Updated yesterday at 6:55 p.m.


Two large swastikas were tagged in red, and the war memorial was crossed out with a “Fuck France” in capital letters.

Swastikas were spray-painted this week on the wall of the French consulate in Geneva, which filed a complaint after the incident. “acts of vandalism” having also targeted the neighboring war memorial for France. “The walls of the French Consulate General in Geneva, and the Monument to the Dead of 1914-1918 which borders it, suffered during the night” from Monday to Tuesday “acts of vandalism”announced Consul General Clément Leclerc on the social network X.

“With the entire team of the Consulate General, I express my indignation at the desecration of this Franco-Swiss place of memory and the degradation of a building dedicated to local public service, and my disapproval of any hate speech.”he added, saying he had filed a complaint with the Geneva authorities.


“Emotion and anger at the vandalization of the French consulate in Geneva and the war memorial next to it”the French MP for Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Marc Ferracci, was indignant on the same social network.

The elected official also published a photo of the consulate walls with two large swastikas tagged in red, and a photo of the war memorial crossed out with: “Fuck France” in capital letters, bulging in red. The swastikas have been cleaned, as shown in a photo published by the consulate, and the war memorial covered with a tarpaulin. “To tarnish the memory of the French and Swiss volunteers who died for France in this way is intolerable. I am calling on the Geneva authorities today to ensure that the perpetrators of these acts are quickly identified.”wrote Marc Ferracci again.


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