This sordid and very shocking revelation from Pope Francis

This sordid and very shocking revelation from Pope Francis

New people continue to break the silence on the behavior of Abbé Pierre. Indeed, following the publication of a damning reportin which the priest is accused of rape and sexual assault, other people have decided to confide in the supposed actions of Abbé Pierre. But now Pope Francis recently made a chilling revelation. In fact, he said that the French priest was a “true sinner.” “Public sins are public. And they must be condemned. For example, Abbé Pierre: he is a man who has done so much good, but he is also a terrible sinner,” he said.

Pope Francis says Vatican was aware of Abbé Pierre’s actions

According to our colleagues at Monde, The Vatican was aware of Abbé Pierre’s actions, and this has been the case for many years.”I don’t know when the Vatican found out about it. I don’t know because I wasn’t here and it didn’t occur to me to research it.” “But certainly, after the death (of Abbé Pierre, in 2007, Editor’s note), it’s certain. But before, I don’t know ” he said. “It’s a shame”he said, asking to be “clear on these facts” and to “not to hide them”.

The priest protected for the creation of Emmaus?

Another important religious figure recently spoke out. Indeed, Véronique Margron, (…)

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