Family drama in Haute-Loire. A 70-year-old woman lost her life on Monday January 20 after being run over by her son who was driving his tractor in a place called Servières, in Saugues, around 9:30 a.m.
The septuagenarian was behind the tractor, feeding animals in an enclosure, when her son put the agricultural machine into reverse, before accidentally knocking over his mother, report several media including Le Progrès and France Bleu. The forty-year-old immediately notified the emergency services who arrived on site, including a Samu 43 helicopter.
When they arrived at the farm, the woman was in cardiorespiratory arrest. Despite the efforts of medical staff, she died on the spot around 11:50 a.m. from her injuries. An autopsy must be performed in the coming days.
-Upset by the tragedy, the son killed himself only a few hours after this terrible accident, according to information from Le Progrès and “several corroborating sources”. An investigation was opened by the gendarmerie to determine the exact circumstances of the accident.
A tragedy which once again puts the village of Saugues into mourning. Last June, a 17-year-old young man was killed in a tractor accident on a departmental road.