The Region and the departmental council of Meurthe-et- leave the social network

Goodbye, . A national movement, HelloQuitteX, is calling users from this network on the occasion of the inauguration of US President Donald Trump, of whom Elon Musk is a loyal lieutenant and future minister.

Two communities have just announced their departure from the social network: the Region and the Meurthe-et- departmental council. The respective presidents of these communities, Franck Leroy and Chaynesse Khirouni, have announced that they will do the same with their personal accounts. “Over the years, the X platform (formerly Twitter) has established itself as a central tool for our
public missions. It allowed us to interact directly with our fellow citizens, journalists, media, to inform without filter and to bring democratic debates to life. But today, it is clear that this tool has transformed into a vector of division. Staying on a press release.

“We can neither tolerate nor adhere to these excesses”

Contacted by La Semaine, the departmental council of Meurthe-et-Moselle formalized its departure this Monday, January 20, the day of Donald Trump's inauguration: “The controversies surrounding X, in terms of confidentiality, cyberharassment, hate speech , constant verbal violence, the promotion of dangerous conspiracy theories or even political and democratic interference are no longer in doubt. We can neither tolerate nor adhere to these excesses of the platform in opposition to our values,” declares Chaynesse Khirouni, president of the Department, who will also officially leave the platform without having been active there.


The two communities each specify that they remain on the Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and BlueSky platforms for the Region, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn and Threads for Meurthe-et-Moselle. “We will also remain vigilant as to their development. Social networks play a major role in public debate, and we will not hesitate to reassess our presence if these tools were to adopt logics similar to those of X,” declares the Region. “The Department wishes to favor channels where the reliability of information and the security of exchanges are guaranteed. As such, it remains attentive to the evolution of other social networks, particularly on issues of freedom of expression, moderation and fact-checking. It invites Meurthe-et-Moselle users, particularly the youngest, to be vigilant on the web,” adds the Meurthe-et-Moselle departmental council.



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