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132 tonnes of glyphosate purchased in the department in 2022

132 tonnes of glyphosate purchased in the department in 2022
132 tonnes of glyphosate purchased in the department in 2022

An environmental defense association approved by the Ministry of Ecology since 2008, Générations futures has just published an interactive map which uses official data on pesticide purchases in (BNV-D) from 2015 to 2022 (latest data available ). This online tool, called Geophyto, has brand new features which allow data to be sorted according to the years, the functions of the substances (herbicides, fungicides, etc.), their dangerousness (carcinogenic, toxic for reproduction, etc.), their legal status ( substance authorized in organic or not…), etc.

Based on official data from the BNV-D, this mapping allows easy and detailed visualization of purchases of active substances by department, including categories of products identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic (CMR), endocrine disruptors. , water pollutants, toxic to the aquatic environment, or even PFAS pesticides, in tonnes or in relation to the usable agricultural area (UAA).

Prosulfocarb at the top of sales in Indre

Among the first lessons learned from this tool, Générations futures indicates that “departments with high agricultural activity, such as those with major cereal crops or wine-growing regions, are distinguished by their significant volumes of pesticide purchases”. Including Indre, which ranks 33e national rank, with 766.8 tonnes purchased in 2022. Glyphosate alone represents 132.2 tonnes, but is outstripped by prosulfocarb (158.1 tonnes), a weedkiller used in field crops, known to be very volatile. By relating the overall tonnage to the SAU of the department, Indre ranks 50ewith a purchased quantity of 1.7 kg per hectare.

Générations futures also announces that, during January, it will put a new map online which should allow you to descend “at least at postal code level” as well as “statistics and trend curves allowing the evolution of purchases of this or that substance to be assessed over time”. She will also add “new categories of substances: neurotoxic, toxic for pollinators, persistent substances, PBT substances (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic)”.



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