Dakar, January 6 (APS) – The President of the National Assembly, Malick Ndiaye, again committed, Monday, to working in favor of a constructive dialogue between the executive power and the parliamentary institution called to play a key role, according to him, in carrying out the reforms promised to citizens.
Mr. Ndiaye promised to spare no effort to establish “constructive dialogue and promote best practices” between parliamentarians and the government as part of the response to the legislative challenges linked to these reforms.
The President of the National Assembly spoke during a presentation of New Year’s greetings to parliamentarians. The ceremony, organized in front of the parliamentary institution, was preceded by a raising of the national colors.
He expressed his desire to strengthen the resources of deputies in order to rehabilitate the vocation of the institution and reconcile it with public opinion.
“I express the wish to rehabilitate parliamentary work among public opinion, to upgrade the status of deputies and parliamentary assistants by working on logistical means, IT tools and by strengthening the parliamentary assistance of deputies,” a- he declared.
In this way, he intends to strengthen the voice of the parliamentary institution.
“One month after the installation of the office of the 15e legislature, I nourish the hope and dream of strengthening the voice of Parliament, because it is here, within this institution, that laws and budgets are passed,” he insisted.
He insisted on the fact that the action of the executive is controlled and evaluated in order to guarantee that the general interest is preserved and that the policies carried out in the name of the Senegalese people truly serve them.
“Rest assured that I will be the guarantor of the democratic balance, and I know I can count on your support,” he told the deputies present at the ceremony.
The second personality of the State is committed to promoting parliamentary diplomacy capable of playing a role as a bridge between peoples and strengthening exchanges in strategic areas such as education, health, environment, security and digital.
“In 2025, we intend to develop fruitful relations with other democracies around the world,” he added.
For her part, the president of the Takku Wallu Senegal parliamentary group, Aïssata Tall Sall, welcomed the commitment of the President of the National Assembly to modernize the institution and give it “the luster that should be its own”.
“On behalf of the Takku Wallu Senegal group, which I represent, you will always find a loyal partner ready to support you, as long as you work towards this. And I know your will in this regard,” she said.
For his part, the president of the Pastef parliamentary group, Mouhamed Ayib Daffé, stressed that this ceremony illustrates the desire of the National Assembly to strengthen its internal communication.