In the state civil service as in the territorial civil service, in addition to their remuneration, public agents can also claim bonuses and other compensation. On indefinite strike since January 6, some of the staff of the municipality of Macouria are demanding a fairer distribution of the Subjection and Expertise Compensation (IFSE). But what is it exactly?
The establishment of the compensation system, in particular the RIFSEEP, which has been applicable for a decade in local authorities, is not happening without upheaval. The distribution and amounts allocated to the lowest ranking agents are often contested. After Cayenne, Saint-Laurent experienced this at the end of 2024. Since January 6, part of the staff of the Caisse des Ecoles and agents of the Macouria Technical Service have been mobilized for an unlimited period, arguing unacceptable discrimination in the distribution of the IFSE.
Read here: Macouria Town Hall: agents on strike, school schedules disrupted
Each local authority and public establishment is required to define the compensation system best suited to its own objectives of remuneration for the work carried out, its resources (both human and financial), its organization and its internal culture.
We asked Charles Henri Delar, retired territorial director and consultant for local authorities, for explanations on this system:
“Since 2014 (decree of May 20, 2014) there has been a new regime called RIFSEEP, the compensation regime due to the functions of constraints and professional expertise. It has been applicable since 1is July 2015. All local authorities are subject to it. It is up to them to make a decision regarding the application of this system. It includes two parts : the IFSE (Subjugation and Expertise Compensation) on the one hand and the CIA (Annual Compensation Supplement) on the other hand.
The IFSE, paid monthly, is granted to all employment executives in the eight sectors of the civil service. In the administrative sector this goes from the territorial administrator to the administrative assistant. The allocation of this bonus is done according to a pre-established table and above all is left to the discretion of the mayor who assigns according to predefined criteria. This is not the same amount for all agents. Individual allocation orders must be notified to interested parties.
As for the CIA, it must represent a maximum percentage of the IFSE (between 10 and 15% depending on the employment framework). For example, a territorial administrator of the highest grade, the annual maximum of the IFSE is 49,000 euros. The IFSE for the lowest employment level, that of administrative assistant, is 11,000 euros per year. It is paid based on professional commitment and manner of service.
For the CIA, the deliberation must necessarily include budgetary credits. But the territorial authority is not obliged to apply the CIA, it can decide to grant this bonus or not. If she grants it, it is for everyone or to no one. The principle of equality applies here. »
Charles Henri Delar points out that the application of these bonuses must be the subject of communication and dialogue with social authorities. Sufficient information is required from agents before the decision is taken and implemented. Above all, there is the obligation, before the deliberation is enforceable, to submit the project to the territorial social committee which is a consultative body. This deliberation must be very explanatory and detail the percentages allocated according to the types of criteria.
In fact, it is recommended either to involve the agents in the “directed” determination of the criteria or, simply, to present it to the agents by explaining to them the reason for an overhaul and the objectives sought by the territorial authority. On this occasion, the territorial authority can clearly specify what it expects from its agents (user satisfaction, the quality of the public service provided, etc.).
“Prior to the deliberation, we must identify all positions, establish objective criteria on subjection and expertise, ensure that the professional interview is carried out by the head of department. The latter is essential for the award of the CIA. There are many territorial agents who complain about not being interviewed. »