at Pêchereau, works and revegetation will punctuate the year

at Pêchereau, works and revegetation will punctuate the year
at Pêchereau, works and revegetation will punctuate the year

In his opening speech, Friday January 3, 2025, Jean-Pierre Nandillon, the mayor, highlighted the succession of climatic disasters which are plunging many populations into disarray, particularly that of Mayotte.

During this ceremony the mayor thanked and congratulated the community's key players: traders, craftsmen, business leaders, farmers, associations and volunteers. All in the presence Anne-Claude Moisan-Lefèbvre and François Avisseau, departmental councilors, Alix Fruchon, parliamentary attaché, Vincent Millan, president of the Éguzon-Argenton Vallée de la Creuse community of communes, numerous mayors and the national gendarmerie .

“First commune in Indre to be labeled an engaged organic territory”

Jean-Pierre Nandillon, has not forgotten the municipal staff, the teaching team, the kitchen team and in particular the talent of Mégane and Thierry who “Thanks to their action and determination, we were the first municipality in Indre to be awarded the Engaged Organic Territory label and to obtain the two-fork distinction. The allocation of the third bracket is in progress ».

This year, a major project is continuing: the redevelopment of the old schools into nursing homes. Work began in October on the installation of two physiotherapists and two doctors at the beginning of June.

Renovation of the old town

The major project for the second half of 2025 concerns the renovation of the old town: concealment of the electrical networks, public lighting, telephone network, fiber and modification of the rainwater network.

“We would have liked to replace the cast iron drinking water pipes, but due to lack of budget this will not be possible this year”regrets Jean-Pierre Nandillon, who adds that “the revegetation of certain parts and repair of the roads, following the request of the inhabitants, are planned”.

The ceremony closed with a speech from Joël Huet, delegated advisor concerning the flowering of the town and the presentation of rewards to the winners of the flower houses. Were concerned: Claude Biettmann, Chantal Huet, Bernard Longein, Jean-Pierre Viard and Jean-Paul Lavenu.



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