Cover image: Tribute in front of the former offices of “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris, January 7, 2025. Ludovic Marin / AP
- January 7, 2025 marks the 10e anniversary of the Islamist terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo, which left twelve dead, including eight members of the editorial staff of the satirical newspaper. This is the first killing in a series of attacks perpetrated during three days of terror, from Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine) to the Hyper Cacher at Porte de Vincenne, in Paris, by the Kouachi brothers and Amedi Coulibaly .
- On this occasion, numerous tributes to the victims and commemorations took place in the presence of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and other elected officials of the city. The ceremonies began a little after 11:30 a.m. on rue Nicolas-Appert, in front of the newspaper's former premises. This was followed by a tribute to police officer Ahmed Merabet, shot dead on Boulevard Richard-Lenoir the same day, then another to the victims of the Hyper Cacher supermarket. The commemorations were marked “through sobriety, in accordance with the wishes of the families”according to Paris City Hall.
- At 10 a.m., journalists from Monde Frédéric Potet and Raphaëlle Rérolle, as well as the writer Yves Frémion, author of the work From caricature to Charlie Hebdo – 1830-2015 (Glénat) answered your questions about what was and what has become Charlie Hebdo, ten years later.
- Then, at 3:45 p.m., the former Paris prosecutor François Molins, who then became the voice of the attacks for the French, multiplying didactic and precise press conferences, answered your questions on the response to the attacks of January 2015 and the strengthening of the French legislative arsenal to combat the terrorist threat.
- This live was also intended to be a space for exchange where you could share your memories and your thoughts, ten years after the attacks. Where were you when the killings happened? Charlie Hebdo began ? Did you participate in the major Republican marches of January 11? What remains of the “spirit Charlie » ? What about freedom of expression today in France?
To go deeper
Find all our articles on the January 2015 attacks
Narrative. “Charlie Hebdo” and Hyper Cacher attacks: three days of blood, terror and tears
Analyse. Ten years after the attacks of January 2015, the services responsible for the fight against terrorism have changed their practices
Portrait. Riss, ten years to keep « Charlie » envy
Interview. Riss, ten years after the attack on “Charlie Hebdo”: “The pleasure of drawing is stronger than fear! »
Debate. Press cartoons: “A certain fear weighs on cartoonists as well as newspaper editors”
I wouldn't have gotten there if I did. Coco, cartoonist: “The attack against “Charlie Hebdo” continues to haunt me constantly”
Media. At “La Tribune Dimanche”, a tribute to “Charlie Hebdo”, but no drawing of “a”