call for cancellation of Eid Al-Adha sacrifice

call for cancellation of Eid Al-Adha sacrifice
call for cancellation of Eid Al-Adha sacrifice

The annual needs of Moroccans for the sacrifice of Eid Al-Adha amount to some 3 million head of cattle. A demand that is difficult to satisfy due to the adverse effects of the persistent drought of recent years on the livestock sector. A few months before the celebration of Eid Al-Adha, professionals in the sector are worried. They are hoping for precipitation to replenish the herd and contain the rise in red meat prices.

Read: Eid al-Adha sheep: The festival of sacrifice threatened in Morocco?

The importation of livestock, decided by the government to satisfy local demand and reduce the price of red meats, has not produced the expected results. On the contrary, it has worsened the situation and encouraged speculation, deplored Fouzi Lekjaa, the Minister of the Budget, noting that this measure did not benefit poor families or contribute to the stabilization or reduction of prices.

Read: Red meat in Morocco: a worrying price rise

Faced with the situation, it is recommended that the government take urgent measures and cancel the rite of sacrifice of Eid Al-Adha for this year, as was the case in 1981 and 1996. Furthermore, the ulemas should raise citizens’ awareness of the symbolic nature of this rite, by reminding them, for example, that the Prophet Muhammad slaughtered two sheep: one for himself and his family, the other for the poor in his community.




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