the essential
The Gers Peasant Confederation is involved in the elections to the Chamber of Agriculture, led by Sylvie Colas and her team, with three main priorities: remunerative prices, an agro-ecological transition and the defense of peasant farming.
To make its voice heard, the Gers Peasant Confederation became more discreet on the public stage. Without resorting to street actions, this week she officially begins her campaign for the Chamber of Agriculture. A commitment embodied by leader Sylvie Colas, supported by her running mates. Because, in fact, from January 15 to 31, farmers will be called to go to the polls to elect their representatives in each department.
“Basically, we agree with what is happening at the national level, with the Rural Coordination which is making noise on all the media waves. However, on the modes of action and what we want for the agriculture of tomorrow, we do not agree at all”, maintains the head of the list of the peasant union.
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In this campaign, three joint colleges made up of farm managers, owners and usufructuaries as well as former operators meet around the common list in order to influence public agricultural policies. “A chamber provides territorial tools. It must organize and support all group projects, starting with processing workshops, slaughtering, marketing tools, etc. The project is vast and requires concrete actions “, underlines Sylvie Colas.
And it is in a particular context which is illustrated by a feeling of dissatisfaction and general fed up in the agricultural world that these elections are being played out, around three major themes defended by the Conf.
For profitable prices
In this first point, the union highlights its fight against all free trade agreements (CETA, Mercosur, etc.). The Peasant Confederation also campaigns for the establishment of guaranteed and remunerative minimum prices. “The main idea is to have a decent income for farmers. We hear a lot about food sovereignty and farmers are the first link,” summarizes Romain Florent, running mate and breeder.
To guarantee people and farmers sovereignty over their agricultural choices and orientations, the Conf relies on several levers to be put in place. The minimum price would firstly be made up of production costs, farmer remuneration and social protection.
An objective requiring the establishment of training, support, financing and structuring systems.
For an agro-ecological transition
The profession of faith addresses the difficulties encountered by the agricultural world. During this particularly difficult year, climatic hazards did not spare producers. They are sounding the alarm. “The latest announcements to support the agro-ecological transition have caused many disappointments […] Many farms are thus abandoning their conversion to organic”, underlines Loïc Abidalle, running mate.
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Preservation of biodiversity, support in reconversion to organic, financial support: the means proposed are part of a public health issue for the union. The latter wishes to support changes in practices favorable to the environment and economical and equitable management of water. In this regard, he suggests, for example, prioritizing irrigation for crops intended for local, human, and high added value.
Without forgetting the thorny issue of pesticides that the Conf wishes to ban in favor of alternative solutions.
For the defense of peasant breeding
Against current health policies, the union has never hidden its position on industrial production and export. Whether on pesticides and industrial standards induced by new diseases in ruminants, the Conf is protesting. “All these episodes of health crisis have undermined free-range livestock farming,” maintains Simon Graf, breeder and running mate.
The union campaigns against confinement, the installation of double fences and systematic slaughter at the first detection of salmonella. “We are not against standards but we are for standards adapted to our production systems,” adds the breeder.
In addition, the Peasant Confederation points to horizontal regulations, defined by the industrial system, applied to all without distinction. “Our projects are not utopian, they require time, but solutions exist,” concludes Sylvie Colas.