The absence of Yvan Luccarini this fall did not go unnoticed. “Vevey has no more news from its trustee! But where is he? headlined Blick, while “24 Heures” described a city “stripped of part of its administration”: “Yvan Luccarini is absent, as are four department heads.”
The target of all these questions broke his silence this Monday, through a press release. “I suffer from a rare genetic neurological disease of the Charcot-Marie-Tooth type,” he wrote. There is no treatment. But the progression of the disease is slow, it does not affect cognitive functions and does not reduce life expectancy. This allows normal professional activity to be maintained.”
The main symptoms are muscle weakness, balance problems and loss of sensitivity in the feet and hands. “For the moment, for me, it’s mostly in the feet; nothing that stops me from working, he explains. To get around, it is sometimes a little more complicated if the ground is not flat, but fortunately, Vevey is not too mountainous. And cycling is rather recommended!”
And his absence, since October already, is due to “stress linked to waiting for a medical diagnosis and multiple medical examinations aimed at eliminating other possible pathologies”, such as diabetes or the consequences of a stroke. , he specifies. This is in order to dispel rumors which suggested possible links with political tensions within the executive in particular. Asked about the four vacant positions at the head of sometimes key municipal services, he reiterates the response of his colleagues this fall: “It has no link with my illness, it is a combination of circumstances.” Recruitments are underway.
Let us be reassured, therefore: Yvan Luccarini is back in business and promises that the descriptions of a man “who would have isolated himself” or “who would not manage to put water in his wine” are “unfounded “. On this Monday, January 6, the elected official is back in the office. “This very beginning of the year has been and will be mainly devoted to catching up with my emails, my diary, current files as well as of course the municipal decisions that I missed.”