To change the cakes, lottos and other raffles, the parents of the elementary school of Seyne-les-Alpes (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) are proposing a calendar for the year 2025.
And what a calendar since it is about the “Demi-Gods of the Blanche Valley” which promotes the plasticity of fathers of families! The idea came from the team of parent delegates, made up mainly of women, who wanted to find an original formula that would get people talking to promote the operation, the aim of which is to raise funds to finance school projects: a trip for three classes to Volonne on the theme of boating, hiking, etc.
These gentlemen therefore (reasonably) undressed in front of the lens of photographer Marianne Harroué, from the Marianne H'Image studio, who volunteered for the occasion.
“The chosen one has nothing to do with it”
Among them the mayor, Laurent Pascal, above all a parent of a student in this operation: “The chosen one has nothing to do with it, there is no reference to the function, I really put myself on stage as part of one of my hobbies, swimming, and all the people who frequent the pool can see me there in this outfit“, he explains.
And if its presence in the photo for the month of July causes a bit of buzz, it is good for the sale of the calendar offered to families on order form and in various points of sale in the Pays de Seyne at a minimum price of €10.