“This public divergence could have several consequences on future relations between Senegal and France.
The tense exchanges between the leaders of the two countries could cool diplomatic relations, requiring additional efforts to restore mutual trust.
Senegal could seek to redefine or diversify its defense and security partnerships, looking to other nations or international organizations to strengthen its military capabilities.
Political tensions could influence economic and trade relations between the two countries, potentially affecting French investments in Senegal and vice versa.
In Senegal, the perception of interference or lack of respect on the part of France could strengthen nationalist sentiment and encourage a more independent foreign policy.
The respective positions of Senegal and France could influence the dynamics within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and other regional bodies, particularly with regard to security and military cooperation.
It is imperative that the two nations initiate and maintain a constructive dialogue, based on transparent communication and a spirit of collaboration. This dialogue should aim to clarify their respective positions, while identifying points of convergence likely to strengthen their partnership. Working together to preserve strong bilateral relations requires mutual commitment based on respect for the principles of national sovereignty, recognition of common strategic interests and a deep understanding of the political, economic and cultural aspirations specific to each party. This approach will not only defuse potential tensions, but also build sustainable and beneficial cooperation in the long term. »
Sheikh Sene
Teacher-Researcher (UCAD)