The regional prefect and the president of the regional council are carrying out a public consultation on the draft amendment to the State-Region of Hauts-de-France plan contract relating to the 2023-2027 mobility component and its environmental assessment.
This consultation is organized in application of the provisions of article L123-19 of the Environmental Code relating to the assessment of the impacts of certain plans and programs on the environment. At the end of the consultation and any adjustments that could result, the draft amendment will be submitted for approval to the regional council before its signature by representatives of the State and the regional council.
The consultation is carried out electronically and is open to all. It takes place from January 7, 2025 to February 6, 2025 included.
A file, composed of the following documents, is made available to the public from the opening of the consultation:
And, upon prior request, to the prefectures and sub-prefectures of the five departments of the region according to public reception hours. Comments from the public, requests for information and questions may be made during the consultation period by sending an electronic message to: [email protected] or on a paper register in the event of a prior request consultation of documents in prefectures and sub-prefectures.
At the end of this procedure, a report from the public consultation will be made available on the aforementioned websites.
Find the elements concerning the public consultation on the State-Region plan contract (CPER): mobility amendment.