Cécile Lyautey, 24, is a civil servant in the Departmental Directorate of Employment, Labor, Solidarity and Population Protection (DDETSPP). Hugo Kreis, also 24 years old, is a milling turner. This couple from Jura wanted to “see something else”.
Go to the ends of the world
Hugo, he had to leave his temporary job as a milling turner in Lons-le-Saunier. As for Cécile, “it was different for me. As I am a civil servant I cannot just leave my job to go abroad. I requested my transfer to the overseas departments. In my situation, it’s perfect for going to the ends of the earth.”
First difficulties
They joined Saint-Denis on December 31. The couple first lived in a seasonal rental, before moving into company accommodation. However, this accommodation is only loaned to them for two weeks. “You have to find an apartment but rentals are expensive and there aren't many. Also, we still feel jet lag, especially at mealtimes and bedtime. My car hasn't arrived yet so we're traveling by bus. »
Conclusive first impressions
The young civil servant confides in her first feelings: “My first days of work went very well. It's very cosmopolitan, there are no differences between people who come from the mainland and from abroad with the locals. As it is the school holidays, and it is summer here, we have not yet experienced traffic jams. Which gives us time to acclimatize. But we don’t feel like we’re on vacation or settled in, so we’re somewhere in between.” And adding with a laugh: “We also had a climate shift. We left it was -5 degrees in the Jura. When we landed, it was 30 degrees.”